List of Dinosaur names
There are over 1200 dinosaurs so far discovered and described by science in this list of dinosaur names. We have put them in alphabetical order to make it easier and to read. We will take a look at how a dinosaur is named and where the name came from but if you want to go to the list right away you can click on the link below.
How do Dinosaurs get there name?
The world first saw the world dinosaur in around 1841 or 1842 (no one is exactly sure of the years it was first used) and even the date has three options, July 30th, or August 2nd or 24th. However it has been been in use for about 170 years.
It was first used by Richard Owen the British Paleontologist, When he introduced the first 3 recognised dinosaurs the Megalosaurus, Iguanodon and the Hylaeosaurus to the British Association.
Dinosauria is usually said to mean Terrible lizard, and comes from both Greek (deinos) and Latin (sauruos) , but actually it was intended to mean fearfully Great in reference to their size and strength rather than any ferocious aspects they may or may have had.
What are Unofficial Dinosaurs called?
Whenever you look at a list of dinosaur names,on wikipedia, our or other site you might come across some latin words mentioned next to the name. We have the list of these and an explanation of what they mean in the list below. The information is more detailed on Wiki here.
- Nomen nudum: means naked name. It means the dinosaur has been named and printed and published and is likely to become official, but it has not been officially classified as of yet.
- Nomen dubium: Means dubious name and the fossil is not thought to be a separate dinosaur or can not be classified by the features present.
- Junior synonym: Means an already classified dinosaur but the fossils are though to either a junior version of it, or a dinosaur that was previously classified as a different species and later to be found to be an existing one.
- Nomen oblitum: Means forgotten name: A dinosaur names that has been used for 50 years.
- Nomen manuscriptum: means manuscript name, and means the dinosaur name has been published but is not recognised by science.
- Preoccupied name: the dinosaur has been named but then found to have been used already, so it is changed.
In the list below there are over 1270 dinosaur names, and we left out most of the categories above which account for another almost 500. With an average of 50 dinosaurs being described and classified this list of dinosaur names will surely grow
What Did They Call Dinosaurs Before 1841?
Before Richard Owen coined the term dinosauria fossils discovered would be classified as a whole range of different animals, Some were mistaken for mammal’s like Rhinos, or like elephants. They were also, in more scientific circles, known as lizards.
However, as you go further back in time then they were more often compared to dragons, which is likely where the legends came from. We have a longer article on the difference between dragons and dinosaurs here on the site as well, just follow the link.
Why Do Dinosaurs Have Two Names?
Dinosaurs are usually named by the person discovering them, and although there are rules governing the naming, (see below) there is also some creativity allowed . There is often a latin or greek meaning to their names, although in recent years with more dinosaurs being discovered around the world other languages are also being used, liek Yi Qi ( also the shortest dinosaur name) from chinese Mandarin, Khaan from Mongolian, and
A dinosaurs name is made of two parts following the international Code of zoological Nomenclature (covers all living and extinct animals and life) The first part is Capitalized however there is no rule on language.
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature.
What is a Dinosaurs Generic Name: This is the name that the dinosaur is most commonly used by people to describe and talk about the dinosaur. For example Triceratops is actually called triceratops horridus and stegosaurus is called Stegosaurus stenops but most commonly these are known by their first names.
What is a Dinosaurs Specific name:
What is a dinosaurs binomial name: This can also be called a scientific name and is the two names together. the first name, the generic name relates to the genus the dinosaur belongs to and the second, the specific name, is the species that the dinosaur belongs to.
This is used throughout there animal kingdom, and while there might only be one Tyrannosaurus Rex species found for example, there are about 7 modern day giraffes so a way to differentiate between lifeform’s is needed.
- Often they may describe some feature of the dinosaur like deinonychus – Terrible Claw, or a skill they thought it may have like velociraptor – Quick thief.
- There are others that are named with a little more humor or creativity ( and you can spot some of these in the List of Dinosaur names below.) Like Dracorex hogwartsia – Dragon King of Hogwarts, or Irritator – named after black market smugglers damaged a fossil of a Brazilian spinosaurus.
- They can also have the name of businesses, famous scientists, or personalities as well, like the Qantassaurus, or the Attenborosaurus.
- Others like Nigersaurus, niger Lizard, or Utahraptor are named after the location they were discovered, or where it is thought the dinosaur lived all those years ago.
- All of these ways of naming a dinosaur can be in the first or second name like Diplodocus carnegii which was named after Andrew Carnegie who donated the money for the expedition that found it.
- All of these names must be approved by the International Commission on Zoological nomenclature. However, unless its really “out there” like Boaty McBoatface then they can get approved, for example there is a bambiraptor !
List of Dinosaur Names
There are over 1000 of these so feel free to navigate through them with the letters of the alphabet above each section.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
List Of Dinosaur Names and Meanings : A
There are around 153 dinosaurs beginning with A in the following list, so plenty you are unlikely to have never heard of and of course plenty of dinosaur names you will recognise like Allosaurus and Ankylosaurus. We also have a more detailed list of some facts about this list of dinosaur names starting with A on its own page.
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Aardonyx | Earth Claw | Abdallahsaurus | Abdullah Lizard |
Abdarainurus | Abdrant Nuru tail | Abditosaurus | Forgotten lizard |
Acheroraptor | Abel’s lizard | Abrictosaurus | wakeful lizard |
Abrosaurus | delicate lizard | Abydosaurus | Abydos lizard |
Acantholipan | Spine of the Grey People | Acanthopholis | Spine Scale |
Achelousaurus | Achelous lizard | Achillesaurus | Underworld thief |
Achillesaurus | Achilles Lizard | Achillobator | Achilles hero |
Acristavus | non-crested grandfather | Acrocanthosaurus | high-spined lizard |
Acrotholus | highest dome | Adamantisaurus | Adamantia lizard |
Adasaurus | Ada lizard | Adelolophus | unknown crest |
Adeopapposaurus | far eating lizard | Adratiklit | mountain lizard |
Adynomosaurus | Weak Shoulder Lizard | Aegyptosaurus | Egypt’s lizard |
Aeolosaurus | Aeolus’ lizard | Aepisaurus | High Lizard |
Aepyornithomimus | Aepyornis mimic | Aerosteon | Air bone |
Afromimus | Africa mimic | Afrovenator | African hunter |
Agathaumas | great wonder | Agilisaurus | agile lizard |
Agnosphitys | Unknown begetter | Agujaceratops | Horned face from Aguja |
Agustinia | For Augustin | Ahshislepelta | Wash shield |
Ajancingenia | Synonym | Ajkaceratops | Ajka horned Face |
Ajnabia | foreigner | Akainacephalus | thorn head |
Alamosaurus | Ojo Alamo lizard | Alaskacephale | Alaska head |
Albalophosaurus | White Cest Lizard | Albertaceratops | Alberta horned face |
Albertadromeus | Alberta Runner | Albertavenator | Alberta hunter |
Albertonykus | Alberta claw | Albertosaurus | Alberta lizard |
Albinykus | Albin claw | Alectrosaurus | Alone lizard |
Aletopelta | Wanderer shield | Algoasaurus | Algoa Bay reptile |
Alioramus | different branch’ | Allosaurus | different lizard |
Almas | wild man | Alnashetri | slender thighs |
Alocodon | Furrow tooth | Altirhinus | high snout |
Altispinax | with high spines | Alvarezsaurus | Alvarez’s lizard |
Alwalkeria | for Alick Walker | Alxasaurus | Alxa lizard |
Amanzia | For Amanz | Amargasaurus | La Amarga lizard |
Amargatitanis | Amarga giant | Amazonsaurus | Amazon lizard |
Ambopteryx | both wing | Ampelosaurus | vine lizard |
Amphicoelias | biconcave | Amtocephale | Amtgai head |
Amtosaurus | Amtgai lizard | Amurosaurus | Amur lizard |
Amygdalodon | almond tooth | Anabisetia | for Ana Maria Biset |
Analong | Ana dragon | Anasazisaurus | Anasazi lizard |
Anchiceratops | Near Horn Face | Anchiornis | near bird |
Anchisaurus | near lizard | Andesaurus | Andes lizard |
Angaturama | Synonym | Angolatitan | Angolan giant |
Angulomastacator | bend chewer | Anhuilong | Anhui dragon |
Aniksosaurus | Spring lizard | Animantarx | living citadel |
Ankylosaurus | fused lizard | Anodontosaurus | toothless lizard |
Anomalipes | Zhao Xijin’s unusual foot | Anoplosaurus | unarmored or unarmed lizard |
Anserimimus | goose mimic | Antarctopelta | Antarctic shield |
Antarctosaurus | southern lizard | Antetonitrus | Before Thunder |
Antrodemus | chamber bodied | Anzu | a bird-like daemon |
Aoniraptor | South thief | Aorun | Ao Run |
Apatodon | Trick tooth | Apatoraptor | Apatè robber |
Apatosaurus | deceptive lizard | Appalachiosaurus | Appalachian lizard |
Aquilarhinus | eagle snout | Aquilops | Eagle Face |
Arackar | skeleton | Aragosaurus | Aragon lizard |
Aralosaurus | Aral Sea lizard | Aratasaurus | lizard born of fire |
Archaeoceratops | ancient horned face | Archaeodontosaurus | ancient-toothed lizard |
Archaeopteryx | old-wing | Archaeoraptor | Not real! |
Archaeornithoides | shaped like an ancient bird | Archaeornithomimus | ancient bird mimic |
Arcovenator | Arc hunter | Arctosaurus | arctic lizard |
Arcusaurus | Rainbow Lizard | Arenysaurus | Aren Lizard |
Argentinosaurus | Argentina Lizard | Argyrosaurus | silver lizard |
Aristosuchus | Bravest Crocodile | Arkansaurus | Arkansas lizard |
Arkharavia | Arkhara road | Arrhinoceratops | no nose-horn face |
Arrudatitan | Arruda’s giant | Arstanosaurus | Arstan lizard |
Asfaltovenator | Cañadón Asfalto Formation hunter | Asiaceratops | Asian horned face |
Asiatosaurus | Asian lizard | Asilisaurus | Ancestor Lizard |
Astrodon | Star tooth | Astrophocaudia | non-twisting tail |
Asylosaurus | sanctuary lizard | Atacamatitan | Atacama Desert titan |
Atlantosaurus | Atlas lizard | Atlasaurus | Atlas Lizard |
Atlascopcosaurus | Atlas Copco Company Lizard | Atrociraptor | savage thief |
Atsinganosaurus | Gypsy Lizard | Aublysodon | backwards-flowing tooth |
Aucasaurus | Auca Lizard | Augustynolophus | near Augustyn |
Auroraceratops | dawn horned face | Aurornis | daybreak bird |
Australodocus | Southern beam | Australotitan | southern giant” |
Australovenator | Southern hunter | Austrocheirus | Southern Hand |
Austroposeidon | Southern Earthquake | Austroraptor | Southern Thief |
Austrosaurus | Southern lizard | Avaceratops | Ava horned Face |
Aviatyrannis | Grandmother tyrant | Avimimus | bird mimic |
Avipes | bird foot” |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
List of Dinosaur Names: B
This list of dinosaurs names beginning with B is shorter but has some classic dinosaurs like brontosaurus, and the cutely named Bambiraptor which you can read more about about this list of dinosaur names starting with B on its own page.
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Baalsaurus | Baal Lizard | Bactrosaurus | Club lizard |
Bagaceratops | small-horned face | Bagualia | wild horse |
Bagualosaurus | strongly built fellow Lizard | Bahariasaurus | Bahariya lizard |
Bainoceratops | mountain horned face | Bajadasaurus | downhill lizard |
Balaur bondoc | Stocky Dragon | Bambiraptor | Bambi thief |
Banji Long | Striped crest Dragon | Bannykus | half claw |
Baotianmansaurus | Baotianman lizard | Barapasaurus | big-legged lizard |
Barilium | heavy Ilium | Barosaurus | Heavy Lizard |
Barrosasaurus | Barrosa Lizard | Barsboldia | of Barsbold |
Baryonyx | heavy claw | Bashanosaurus | Bashan lizard |
Batyrosaurus | Batyr Lizard | Baurutitan | Bauru Giant |
Bayannurosaurus | Bayannur Lizard | Beg | Beg – tse |
Beibeilong | baby dragon | Beipiaosaurus | Beipiao lizard |
Beishanlong | North Mountains Dragon | Bellusaurus | Beautiful lizard |
Berberosaurus | Berber lizard | Berthasaura | Bertha’s lizard |
Betasuchus | B crocodile | Bicentenaria | two hundred year anniversary” |
Bienosaurus | Bien’s lizard | Bissektipelta | Bissekty shield |
Bistahieversor | Bistahi destroyer | Bisticeratops | Bisti horned face |
Blasisaurus | Blasi Lizard | Blikanasaurus | Blikana Lizard |
Bolong | Bo’s dragon | Bonapartenykus | Bonaparte’s claw |
Bonapartesaurus | Bonaparte’s lizard | Bonatitan | Bonaparte’s Giant |
Bonitasaura | La Bonita Lizard | Borealopelta | Northern shield |
Borealosaurus | Northern Lizard | Boreonykus | northern claw |
Borogovia | for borogoves | Bothriospondylus | excavated vertebra |
Brachiosaurus | arm lizard | Brachyceratops | short horned face |
Brachylophosaurus | short-crested lizard | Brachypodosaurus | short-footed lizard |
Brachytrachelopan | short-necked Pan | Bradycneme | ponderous leg |
Brasilotitan | Brazil giant | Bravasaurus | Brava lizard |
Bravoceratops | wild horn-face | Breviceratops | short horned face |
Brighstoneus | Brighstone | Brohisaurus | Brohi lizard |
Brontomerus | thunder thighs | Brontosaurus | thunder lizard |
Bruhathkayosaurus | huge bodied lizard | Buitreraptor | La Buitrera thief |
Burianosaurus | Burian Lizard | Buriolestes | Burio Robber |
Byronosaurus | Byron Lizard |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
List of Dinosaur Names: C
There are 88 dinosaurs beginning with C in the following list, Including Carnotaurus, and Centrosaurus. You can check out list of some facts about this list of dinosaur names starting with C on its own page.
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Caenagnathasia | Recent jaw from Asia | Caenagnathus | recent jaw |
Caihong | rainbow | Calamosaurus | reed lizard |
Calamospondylus | quill vertebrae | Callovosaurus | Callovian lizard |
Camarasaurus | chambered lizard | Camarillasaurus | Camarillas lizard |
Camelotia | From Camelot | Camposaurus | Camp’s lizard |
Camptosaurus | flexible lizard | Campylodoniscus | bent tooth |
Canardia | for ducks | Carcharodontosaurus | Sharp tooth Teeth |
Cardiodon | heart tooth | Carnotaurus | flesh bull |
Caseosaurus | Case’s lizard | Cathartesaura | Vulture Lizard |
Camarasaurus | perpendicular lizard | Caudipteryx | tail feather |
Cedarosaurus | Cedar lizard | Cedarpelta | Cedar Shield |
Cedrorestes | Cedar mountain | Centrosaurus | pointed lizard |
Cerasinops | cherry face | Ceratonykus | horned claw |
Ceratops | horn face | Ceratosaurus | horn lizard |
Ceratosuchops | horned crocodile face | Cetiosauriscus | Cetiosaurus-like |
Cetiosaurus | whale lizard | Changchunsaurus | Changchun lizard |
Changmiania | eternal sleep | Changyuraptor | Long feather Hunter |
Chaoyangsaurus | Chaoyang lizard | Charonosaurus | Charon’s lizard |
Chasmosaurus | opening lizard | Chebsaurus | young man Lizard |
Chenanisaurus | Chennane Lizard | Chialingosaurus | Chialing Lizard |
Chiayusaurus | Chia-yu-kuan lizard | Chienkosaurus | Szechuan lizard (now) |
Chilantaisaurus | Jilantai lizard | Chilesaurus | Chile Lizard |
Chindesaurus | ghost Lizard | Chingkankousaurus | diamond port Lizard |
Chirostenotes | narrow-handed | Choconsaurus | Chocon lizard |
Chondrosteosaurus | cartilage and bone lizard | Choyrodon | Choir tooth |
Chromogisaurus | Earth color Dinosaur | Chuandongocoelurus | Chuan Dong Hollow tail |
Chuanjiesaurus | Chuanjie Lizard | Chuanqilong | legendary dragon |
Chubutisaurus | Chubut lizard | Chungkingosaurus, | Chongqing Lizard |
Chuxiongosaurus | Chuxiong lizard | Cionodon | column tooth |
Citipati | funeral pyre lord | Citipes | fleet-footed |
Claorhynchus | broken beak | Claosaurus | broken lizard |
Clasmodosaurus | fragmentary tooth reptile” | Coahuilaceratops | Coahuila horn face |
Coelophysis | hollow form | Coeluroides | hollow form |
Coelurus | hollow tail | Colepiocephale | knucklehead |
Coloradisaurus | Los Colorados lizard | Comahuesaurus | Comahue lizard |
Compsosuchus | elegant crocodile | Concavenator | Cuenca hunter with a hump |
Conchoraptor | Conch plunderer | Condorraptor | Condo robber |
Convolosaurus | flocking lizard | Coronosaurus | crowned lizard |
Corythoraptor | helmeted thief | Corythosaurus | helmeted lizard’ |
Craspedodon | edge tooth | Craterosaurus | bowl reptile |
Crichtonpelta | Crichton Shield | Crichtonsaurus | Crichton’s lizard |
Cristatusaurus | crested reptile | Crittendenceratops | Crittenden Horned face |
Cruxicheiros | cross hand | Cryolophosaurus | Cold Crest Lizard |
Cryptosaurus | hidden lizard | Cumnoria | For Cumonria |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
List of Dinosaur Names: D
These 58 dinosaurs include some of the most fearsome dinosaurs like Dilophosaurus and some of the largest like Dreadnoughtus, . You can check out list of some facts about this list of dinosaur names starting with D on its own page.
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Daanosaurus | Da’an lizard | Dacentrurus | tail full of points |
Daemonosaurus | Demon Lizard | Dahalokely | Small thief |
Dakotadon | Dakota tooth | Dakotaraptor | Dakota Thief |
Daliansaurus | Dalian Lizard | Dandakosaurus | Dandakaranya lizard |
Dashanpusaurus | Dashanpu lizard | Daspletosaurus | frightful lizard |
Datanglong | Datang Dragon | Datonglong | Datong Dragon |
Datousaurus | chieftain lizard | Daxiatitan | Daxia giant |
Deinocheirus | horrible hand | Deinonychus | Terrible claw |
Deltadromeus | delta runner | Demandasaurus | Demanda lizard |
Denversaurus | Denver lizard | Diabloceratops | devil-horned face |
Diamantinasaurus | Diamantina Lizard | Diclonius | double sprout |
Dicraeosaurus | double-headed | Dilong | emperor dragon |
Dilophosaurus | two-crested lizard | Diluvicursor | flood runner |
Dineobellator | Diné warrior | Dinodocus | terrible beam |
Diplodocus | Double beam | Diplotomodon | double cutting tooth |
Dolichosuchus | long crocodile | Dongbeititan | Dongbei giant |
Dongyangopelta | Dongyang shield | Dongyangosaurus | Dongyang Lizard |
Draconyx | dragon claw | Dracopelta | dragon shield |
Dracoraptor | dragon thief | Dracorex | Dragon King |
Dracovenator | Dragon hunter | Dreadnoughtus | Fears nothing |
Dromaeosauroides | like Dromaeosaur | Dromaeosaurus | running lizard |
Dromiceiomimus | emu mimic | Drusilasaura | For drusila |
Dryosaurus | tree lizard | Dryptosauroide | similar to Dryptosaurus |
Dryptosaurus | tearing lizard | Dubreuillosaurus | Dubreuil Lizard |
Duriatitan | Duria Giant | Duriavenator | Duria hunter |
Dynamoterror | powerful terror | Dyoplosaurus | double-armoured lizard |
Dysalotosaurus | uncatchable lizard | Dysganus | bad tooth |
Dyslocosaurus | hard to place lizard | Dystrophaeus | Bad joint |
Dzharaonyx | Dzharakuduk claw | Dzharatitanis | Dzharakuduk titan |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
List of Dinosaur Names: E
49 dinosaurs in this list of dinosaur names, With Eo meaning Early or Dawn in Greek, there are a lot of early dinosaurs on this list of dinosaur names. You can check out list of some facts about this list of dinosaur names starting with E on its own page.
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Echinodon | hedgehog tooth | Edmontonia | from Edmonton |
Edmontosaurus | Edmonton Lizard | Efraasia | for E.Fraas |
Einiosaurus | buffalo lizard | Ekrixinatosaurus | explosion born reptile |
Elaltitan | Elal Giant | Elaphrosaurus | light-footed Lizard |
Elemgasem | Tehuelche deity | Elmisaurus | foot sole lizard |
Elopteryx | Marsh Wing | Elrhazosaurus | Elrhaz lizard |
Emausaurus | Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald Lizard | Embasaurus | Emba lizard |
Enigmosaurus | Enigma lizard | Eoabelisaurus | Dawn abelisaurus |
Eocarcharia | dawn shark | Eocursor | dawn runner |
Eodromaeus | dawn runner | Eolambia | dawn lambeosaurine |
Eomamenchisaurus | dawn Mamenchisaurus | Eoraptor | Dawn Thief |
Eosinopteryx | Dawn Feather | Eotrachodon | dawn Trachodon |
Eotriceratops | dawn three-horned face | Eotyrannus | dawn tyrant |
Eousdryosaurus | eastern Dryosaurus | Epachthosaurus | heavy lizard |
Epanterias | buttressed | Epichirostenotes | above Chirostenotes |
Epidexipteryx | Hu Yaoming’s dragon (Ch) | Equijubus | horse mane |
Erectopus | Upright foot | Erketu | Erketü Tengri |
Erliansaurus | Erlian lizard | Erlikosaurus | Erlik’s lizard |
Erythrovenator | Red hunter | Eshanosaurus | Eshan Lizard |
Eucamerotus | well-chambered | ||
Eucercosaurus | good-tailed lizard | Eucnemesaurus | good tibia lizard |
Euhelopus | True marsh-foot | Euoplocephalus | solid head |
Euronychodon | European claw tooth | Europasaurus | Europe Lizard |
Europatitan | European giant | Europelta | Europe’s shield |
Euskelosaurus | good leg lizard | Eustreptospondylus | true Streptospondylus |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
List of Dinosaur Names: F
There are only a few dinosaurs beginning with the letter F in this list of dinosaur names with quite a very of the Japanese dinosaurs found here. You can check out list of some facts about this list of dinosaur names starting with F on its own page.
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Fabrosaurus | Fabre’s lizard | Falcarius | sickle cutter |
Ferganasaurus | Fergana Valley lizard | Ferganocephale | Fergana head |
Ferrisaurus | Iron Lizard | Foraminacephale | foramina head |
Fosterovenator | Foster’s hunter | Fostoria | for foster |
Fruitadens | Fruita teeth | Fukuiraptor | Fukui thief |
Fukuisaurus | Fukui lizard | Fukuititan | Fukui giant |
Fukuivenator | Fukui hunter | Fulengia | for Fuleng |
Fulgurotherium | Lightning beast | Fushanosaurus | Fushan lizard |
Fusuisaurus | Fusui lizard | Futalognkosaurus | giant chief lizard |
Fylax | Keeper |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
List of Dinosaur Names: G
Giganotosaurus and Gallimimus are in this list of dinosaur names, from giants to speedy runners. You can take a look at some facts about this list of dinosaur names starting with G on its own page.
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Galeamopus | want helmet | Galleonosaurus | galleon lizard |
Gallimimus | chicken mimic | Galvesaurus | Galve lizard |
Gannansaurus | Gannan lizard | Ganzhousaurus | Ganzhou lizard |
Gargoyleosaurus | gargoyle lizard | Garrigatitan | garrigue giant |
Garudimimus | Garuda mimic | Gasosaurus | Gasoline Lizard |
Gasparinisaura | Gasparini’s lizard | Gastonia | For Gaston |
Geminiraptor | twin thief | Genusaurus | knee lizard |
Genyodectes | jaw bite | Geranosaurus | crane reptile |
Gideonmantellia | For Gideon mantel | Giganotosaurus | giant southern lizard |
Gigantoraptor | giant thief | Gigantosaurus | Giant lizard |
Gigantspinosaurus | giant-spined lizard’ | Gilmoreosaurus | Gilmore’s lizard |
Giraffatitan | Giant Giraffe | Glacialisaurus | Frozen Lizard |
Glishades | concealed in mud | Glyptodontopelta | Glyptodon shield |
Gnathovorax | Voracious eating Jaw | Gobihadros | Gobi Hadrosaur |
Gobiraptor | Gobi thief | Gobisaurus | gobi Lizard |
Gobititan | Gobi Giant | Gobivenator | Gobi hunter |
Gojirasaurus | Godzilla lizard | Gondwanatitan | Gondwana Giant |
Gongbusaurus | Gongbu Lizard | Gongpoquansaurus | Gongpoquan reptile |
Gongxianosaurus | Gongxian Lizard | Gorgosaurus | dreadful lizard |
Goyocephale | decorated head | Graciliceratops | slender horn face |
Graciliraptor | graceful thief | Gravitholus | heavy dome |
Gryphoceratops | griffin horned face | Gryponyx | hooked-claw |
Gryposaurus | hooked-nosed lizard | Guaibasaurus | Guaiba Lizard |
Gualicho | gualichu | Guanlong | crown dragon |
Guemesia | for Guemes |
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List of Dinosaur Names: H
49 Dinosaur Names in this section. You can check out list of some facts about this list of dinosaur names starting with H on its own page.
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Hadrosaurus | bulky lizard | Haestasaurus | Haesta Lizard |
Hagryphus | Ha’s griffin | Halszkaraptor | Halszka’s seizer |
Halticosaurus | Good at jumping Liard | Hamititan | Hami giant |
Hanssuesia | for Hanssuesia | Haplocanthosaurus | simple spined lizard |
Haplocheirus | simple-handed skillful one | Harpymimus | Harpy Mimic |
Haya griva | Hayagriva | Heishansaurus | Heishan lizard |
Helioceratops | Sun horn face | Heptasteornis | Seven City Bird |
Herrerasaurus | Herrera Lizard | Hesperonychus | western claw |
Hesperornithoides | western bird form | Hesperosaurus | western lizard |
Hexing | crane | Hexinlusaurus | Hexinlu Lizard |
Heyuannia | for heyuan | Hierosaurus | sacred lizard |
Hippodraco | horse dragon | Histriasaurus | Istria lizard |
Homalocephale | even head | Hoplitosaurus | Hoplite lizard |
Horshamosaurus | Horsham Lizard | Huabeisaurus | Huabei Lizard |
Hualianceratops | ornamental face | Huallasaurus | duck lizard |
Huanansaurus | Huanan Lizard | Huanghetitan | Yellow River titan |
Huangshanlong | Huangshan dragon | Huaxiagnathus | China Jaw |
Huayangosaurus | Huayang Lizard | Hudiesaurus | butterfly lizard |
Huehuecanauhtlus | ancient duck | Huinculsaurus | Huincul lizard |
Hulsanpes | Khulsan foot | Hungarosaurus | Hungary lizard |
Hylaeosaurus | belonging to the forest lizard | Hypacrosaurus | Near high lizard |
Hypselosaurus | highest lizard | Hypselospinus | High Spine |
Hypsibema | high step | Hypsilophodon | Hypsilophus-tooth |
Hypsirhophus | high roof |
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List of Dinosaur Names: I
Iguanodon was one of the famous dinosaurs in this section, and the irritator ( worth checking that one out for the story behind the name) . There are more details about this list of dinosaur names starting with I on its own page.
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Iberospinus | Iberian spine | Ibirania | Ibirá wanderer |
Ichthyovenator | fish hunter | Ignavusaurus | coward lizard |
Ignotosaurus | unknown lizard | Iguanacolossus | Iguana Colossus |
Iguanodon | Iguana tooth | Iliosuchus | crocodile hipped |
Ilokelesia | for Ilokeles | Imperobator | powerful warrior |
Incisivosaurus | incisor lizard | Indosaurus | Indian lizard |
Indosuchus | Indian crocodile | Ingentia | first huge one |
Inosaurus | In Tedreft lizard | Invictarx | unconquerable fortress |
Irisosaurus | iridescent lizard | Irritator | irritating |
Isaberrysaura | For Isa berry | Isanosaurus | North-eastern thailand lizard |
Isasicursor | Isasi’s runner | Ischioceratops | ischium-horned face |
Isisaurus | Indian Statistical Institute lizard | Issi | cold |
Itapeuasaurus | Itapeua lizard | Itemirus | part of the brain |
Iuticosaurus | Jute lizard | Iyuku | hatchling |
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List of Dinosaur Names: J
We have the 24 Dinosaurs with J. There is more information about all these dinosaurs on the dinosaur names starting with J page.
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Jainosaurus | Jain Lizard | Jakapil | shield bearer |
Jaklapallisaurus | Jaklapalli Lizard | Janenschia | for Janensch |
Jaxartosaurus | Jaxartes lizard | Jeholosaurus | Jehol Lizard |
Jeyawati | grinding mouth | Jianchangosaurus | Jianchang Lizard |
Jangjunosaurus | Jiangjun Lizard | Jiangshanosaurus | Jiangshan Lizard |
Jiangxisaurus | Jiangxi Lizard | Jianianhualong | Jianianhua dragon |
Jinbeisaurus | Northern Shanxi lizard | Jinfengopteryx | golden phoenix feather |
Jingshanosaurus | Jingshan lizard | Jintasaurus | Jinta dragon |
Jinyunpelta | Jinyun shield | Jinzhousaurus | Jinzho Lizard |
Jiutaisaurus | Jiutai lizard | Jobaria | For jobar |
Jubbulpuria | Jubbulpore one | Judiceratops | Judi horned face |
Juratyrant | Jurassic tyrant | Juravenator | Jura Hunter |
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List of Dinosaur Names: K
Kosmoceratops and Khaan you can find below, and more information on all the ‘K’ dinosaurs on the dinosaur names starting with K page.
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Kaatedocus | Small Beam | Kaijiangosaurus | Kaijiang lizard |
Kaijutitan | Kaiju titan | Kakuru | Kakuru (rainbow snake) |
Kamuysaurus | Deity lizard | Kangnasaurus | Kangnas lizard |
Kansaignathus | Kansai jaw | Karongasaurus | Karonga Lizard |
Katepensaurus | Hole lizard | Kayentavenator | Kayenta Hunter |
Kazaklambia | Kazakh lambeosaurine | Kelmayisaurus | Karamay lizard |
Kelumapusaura | red earth lizard | Kentrosaurus | prickle lizard |
Kerberosaurus | Kerberos lizard | Khaan | lord/ruler |
Kholumolumo | type of dragon | Khulsanurus | khulsan tail |
Kileskus | Lizard | Kinnareemimus | Kinnaree mimic |
Klamelisaurus | Kelameili lizard | Kol ghuva | foot (beautiful) |
Koparion | small surgical knife | Koreaceratops | Korean horned face |
Koreanosaurus | Korean Lizard | Koshisaurus | Koshi Lizard |
Kosmoceratops | Ornamented Horn face | Kotasaurus | Kota Lizard |
Kritosaurus | Separated Lizard | Kryptops | covered face |
Kulceratops | Lake Horned face | Kulindadromeus | Kulinda Runner |
Kunbarrasaurus | Shield lizard | Kundurosaurus | Kundur Lizard |
Kuru kulla | Tibetan Deity | Kurupi | god of fertility |
Kuszholia | Milky Way bird |
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List of Dinosaur Names: L
The L list of dinosaurs is below with more information on the dinosaur names starting with L page.
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Labocania | For Red Estuary | Laevisuchus | light crocodile |
Laiyangosaurus | Laiyang lizard | Lajasvenator | Las Lajas hunter |
Lambeosaurus | Lambe’s lizard | Lametasaurus | Lameta lizard |
Lamplughsaura | For Lamplugh | Lanzhousaurus | Lanzhou lizard |
Laosaurus | stone lizard | Lapampasaurus | Lapampa Lizard |
Laplatasaurus | La Plata lizard | Lapparentosaurus | Lapparent Lizard |
Laquintasaura | Laquinta Lizard | Latirhinus | broad nose |
Latenivenatrix | hiding huntress | Lavocatisaurus | Lavocat’s lizard |
Leaellynasaura | Leaellyn’s lizard | Ledumahadi | giant thunderclap |
Leinkupal | Vanishing family | Leonerasaurus | Leoneras lizard |
Lepidus | fascinating | Leptoceratops | Thin-horned face |
Leptorhynchos | thin beak | Leshansaurus | Leshan Lizard |
Lesothosaurus | Lesotho Lizard | Lessemsaurus | Lessem lizard |
Levnesovia | for Levnesov | Lexovisaurus | Lexovii Lizard |
Leyesaurus | Leyes Lizard | Liaoceratops, | Liaoning horned face |
Liaoningosaurus | Liaoning Lizard | Liaoningotitan | Liaoning giant |
Liaoningvenator | Liaoning hunter | Ligabueino | Ligabue little one |
Ligabuesaurus | Ligabue Lizard | Liliensternus | for Lilienstern |
Limaysaurus | Limay lizard | Limusaurus | Mud Lizard |
Lingwulong | Ling Wu Dragon | Lingyuanosaurus | Lingyuan lizard |
Linhenykus | Linhe Claw | Linhevenator | Linhe Hunter |
Lirainosaurus | slender lizard | Liubangosaurus | Liubang lizard |
Llukalkan | one who causes fear | Lohuecotitan | Lohuec Giant |
Loncosaurus | Chief / lance lzard | Lophorhothon | Crested nose |
Lophostropheus | Crest Vertebrae | Loricatosaurus | armored lizard |
Loricosaurus | armour lizard | Losillasaurus | Losilla lizard |
Lourinhanosaurus | Lourinhã lizard | Lourinhasaurus | Lourinhã lizard |
Luanchuanraptor | Luanchuan thief | Lucianovenator | Luciano hunter |
Lufengosaurus | Lufeng lizard | Luoyanggia | from/for Luoyang |
Lurdusaurus | heavy Lizard | Lusitanosaurus | Portuguese lizard |
Lusotitan | portuguese giant | Lusovenator | Portuguese hunte |
Lycorhinus | wool lizard? | Lythronax | gore king |
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List of Dinosaur Names: M
The good mother lizard, and the tiny Microraptor are in the list of dinosaur names below. and we have further information on these on their own page of dinosaur names starting with M.
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Machairasaurus | Short Scimitar Lizard | Machairoceratops | bent sword horned face |
Macrocollum | Long Neck | Macrogryphosaurus | big enigmatic lizard |
Macrurosaurus | large-tailed lizard | Magnamanus | Large hand |
Magnapaulia | For large paul | Magnosaurus | large lizard |
Magyarosaurus | Magyar lizard | Mahakala | Mahakala (Deity) |
Mahuidacursor | mountain runner | Maiasaura | good mother lizard |
Maip | the shadow of death | Majungasaurus | Mahajanga lizard |
Malarguesaurus | Malargue lizard | Malawisaurus | Malawi lizard” |
Maleevus | for Maleev | Mamenchisaurus | Horse gate brook lizard |
Mandschurosaurus | Manchuria Lizard | Manidens | Hand Tooth |
Mansourasaurus | Mansoura lizard | Mapusaurus | Earth lizard |
Maraapunisaurus | huge reptile | Marmarospondylus | Marble Vertebra |
Marshosaurus | Marsh Lizard | Martharaptor | Martha Lizard |
Masiakasaurus | vicious lizard | Massospondylus | Longer vertebra |
Matheronodon | Matheron tooth | Maxakalisaurus | Maxakali Lizard |
Mbiresaurus | Mbire reptile | Medusaceratops | Medusa Horned Face |
Microvenator | Small hunter | Megalosaurus | great lizard |
Megapnosaurus | Big dead lizard | Megaraptor | Large Thief |
Mei Long | Sleeping Dragon | Melanorosaurus | Black Mountain Lizard |
Mendozasaurus | Mendoza Lizard | Menefeeceratops | Menefee horned face |
Menucocelsior | the taller one from Salitral Ojo del Agua | Meraxes | dragon (from A song of Ice and fire) |
Mercuriceratops | Mercury Horned Face | Meroktenos | thigh Beast |
Metriacanthosaurus | Moderatly Spined Lizard | Microceratus | Small horned |
Microcoelus | Small Hollow | Microhadrosaurus | small sturdy lizard |
Micropachycephalosaurus | small thick-headed lizard | Microraptor | Small Thief |
Microvenator | Small hunter | Mierasaurus | Mierra Lizard |
Minmi | Lilly (will o’ the wisp) | Minotaurasaurus | Monos bull Lizard |
Miragaia | For Miragaia | Mirischia | Wondeful hip |
Mnyamawamtuk | beast of the Mtuka river drainage | Moabosaurus | Moab lizard |
Mochlodon | Bar tooth | Mongolosaurus | Mongolia Lizard |
Mongolostegus | Mongolia Roof | Monkonosaurus | Monkon lizard |
Monoclonius | single sprout | Monolophosaurus | single-crested lizard |
Mononykus | One Claw | Montanoceratops | Montana hored Face |
Morelladon | Morella Tooth | Morinosaurus | Morini Lizard |
Moros intrepidus | Intrepid harbinger of doom | Morrosaurus | Morro Lizard |
Mosaiceratops | Mosaic horned face | Murusraptor | wall thief |
Mussaurus | Mouse Lizard | Muttaburrasaurus | Muttaburra Lizard |
Muyelensaurus | Muyelen lizard | Mymoorapelta | MyMoors Shield |
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List of Dinosaur Names: N
For a Big Nose Horned Face you can check out the Nasutoceratops in the list below of on its own page. dinosaur names starting with N
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Naashoibitosaurus | creek lizard | Nambalia | for Nambal |
Nankangia | For Nangkang | Nanningosaurus | Nanning lizard |
Nanosaurus | small or dwarf lizard” | Nanshiungosaurus | Nanxiong’s lizard |
Nanuqsaurus | polar bear lizard | Nanyangosaurus | Nanyang Lizard |
Napaisaurus | Napai Lizard | Narambuenatitan | Narambuena giant |
Narindasaurus | Narinda Lizard | Nasutoceratops | large nose horned face |
Navajoceratops | Navajo horned face | Nebulasaurus | misty cloud lizard |
Nedcolbertia | for Ned Colbert | Nedoceratops | insufficient horned face” |
Neimongosaurus | Nei Mongol lizard | Nemegtomaia | Nemegt Good Mother |
Nemegtonykus | Nemegt claw | Nemegtosaurus | Nemegt Lizard |
Neosodon | New Tooth | Neovenator | New Hunter |
Neuquenraptor | Neuquén thief | Neuquensaurus | Neuquén lizard |
Nevadadromeus | Nevada runner | Ngwevu | grey skull |
Nhandumirim | small rhea | Niebla | old mist |
Nigersaurus | Niger Lizard | Ningyuansaurus | Ningyuan Lizard |
Ninjatitan | Ninja giant | Nipponosaurus | Japanese lizard |
Noasaurus | Northwestern Argentina lizard | Nodocephalosaurus | knob headed lizard |
Nodosaurus | knobbed lizard | Nomingia | for noming |
Nopcsaspondylus | Nopcsa’s vertebra | Normanniasaurus | Normannia lizard |
Notatesseraeraptor | feature mosaic tile thief | Nothronychus | slothful claw |
Notoceratops | southern horned face | Notocolossus | South Wind Giant Statue |
Notohypsilophodon | southern Hypsilophodon | Nqwebasaurus | Nqweba Lizard |
Nullotitan | Nullo’s giant | Nuthetes | a monitor |
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List of Dinosaur Names: O
The unfortunately named Oviraptor is below, as is the Ozraptor a dinosaur from Australia. You can also take a look at the dinosaur names starting with O on its own page.
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Oceanotitan | ocean giant | Ohmdenosaurus | Ohmden lizard |
Ojoraptorsaurus | Ojo thief Lizard | Oksoko | Öksökö |
Oligosaurus | Few Lizard | Olorotitan | titanic swan |
Omeisaurus | Omei lizard | Ondogurvel | egg lizard |
Oohkotokia | child of stone | Opisthocoelicaudia | posterior cavity tail |
Oplosaurus | weapon lizard | Orkoraptor | Toothed River thief |
Ornatops | ornate face | Ornithodesmus | bird link |
Ornitholestes | bird robber | Ornithomerus | Bird Shin |
Ornithomimoides | bird mimic-like | Ornithomimus | Bird Mimic |
Ornithopsis | bird-likeness | Orodromeus | Mountain Runner |
Orosaurus | mountain lizard | Orthogoniosaurus | straight angled lizard |
Orthomerus | straight femur | Oryctodromeus | digging runner |
Osmakasaurus | canyon lizard | Ostafrikasaurus | East Africa Lizard |
Ostromia | For Ostrom | Ouranosaurus | Brave Lizard |
Overoraptor | piebald thief | Overosaurus | Overo lizard |
Oviraptor | egg thief | Owenodon | Owen’s tooth |
Oxalaia | For Oxala | Ozraptor | Australian thief |
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List of Dinosaur Names: P
You can check out list of some facts about this list of dinosaur names starting with P on its own page.
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Pachycephalosaurus | thick-headed lizard | Pachyrhinosaurus | Thick nose Lizard |
Pachysuchus | Thick Crocodile | Padillasaurus | Padilla Lizard |
Palaeopteryx | ancient wing | Palaeoscincus | ancient skink |
Paludititan | Marsh Giant | Pampadromaeus | Plain runner |
Pamparaptor | Pampas Thief | Panamericansaurus | Pan American Lizard |
Pandoravenator | Pandora hunter | Panguraptor | Pangura Thief |
Panoplosaurus | well-armoured lizard | Panphagia | Eats All |
Pantydraco | Panty Dragon | Papiliovenator | butterfly hunter |
Paralitherizinosaurus | Tidal Scythe Lizard | Paralititan | Tidal Giant |
Paranthodon | Near Anthodon | Pararhabdodon | near fluted tooth |
Parasaurolophus | near crested lizard | Paraxenisaurus | strange lizard |
Pareisactus | intruder | Parksosaurus | Parks lizard |
Paronychodon | beside claw tooth | Parvicursor | small runner |
Patagonykus | Patagonian claw | Patagosaurus | Patagonia lizard |
Patagotitan | Patagonia Giant | Pawpawsaurus | Pawpaw Lizard |
Pectinodon | Comb tooth | Pedopenna | foot feather |
Pegomastax | Strong Jaw | Peishansaurus | Northern Mountain Lizard |
Pelecanimimus | pelican mimic | Pellegrinisaurus | Pellegrini Lizard |
Peloroplites | monstrous heavy one | Pelorosaurus | monstrous lizard |
Pendraig | Chief Dragon | Penelopognathus | wild duck jaw |
Pentaceratops | five-horned face | Perijasaurus | Perija lizard |
Petrobrasaurus | Petrobra Lizard | Phaedrolosaurus | Elated Lizard |
Philovenator | love hunter | Phuwiangosaurus | Phu Wiang lizard |
Phuwiangvenator | Phu wiang hunter | Phyllodon | leaf tooth |
Piatnitzkysaurus | Piatnitzky’s lizard | Picrodon | Bitter Tooth |
Pilmatueia | for Pilmatue | Pinacosaurus | Plank lizard |
Pisanosaurus | Pisano’s lizard | Pitekunsaurus | to Discover lizard |
Piveteausaurus | Piveteau’s lizard | Planicoxa | Flat Hip |
Plateosauravus | grandfather of Plateosaurus | Plateosaurus | Broad Lizard |
Platypelta | broad Shield | Plesiohadros | near to hadrosaur |
Pneumatoraptor | air thief | Podokesaurus | swift-footed lizard |
Poekilopleuron | varied ribs | Polacanthoides | Polacanthus like |
Polacanthus | Many thorns | Polyodontosaurus | many-toothed lizard |
Polyonax | master over many | Portellsaurus | Portell Lizard |
Powellvenator | Powell’s hunter | Pradhania | for Pradhan |
Prenocephale | sloping head | Prenoceratops | slope horned face |
Priconodon | saw cone tooth | Priodontognathus | saw tooth jaw” |
Proa | prow | Probactrosaurus | before Bactrosaurus |
Probrachylophosaurus | before brachylophosaurus | Proceratosaurus | before ceratosaurus |
Procompsognathus | before compsognathus | Prodeinodon | before Deinodon” |
Propanoplosaurus | before panoplosaurus | Prosaurolophus | before saurolophus |
Protarchaeopteryx | before archaeopteryx | Protoceratops | before / First horned face |
Protognathosaurus | early jaw lizard | Protohadros | first hadrosaur |
Psittacosaurus | parrot lizard | Pteropelyx | winged pelvis |
Pterospondylus | winged vertebra | Puertasaurus | Puerta Lizard |
Pukyongosaurus | Pukyong lizard | Pulanesaura | rain Maker Lizard |
Punatitan | Puna Giant | Pycnonemosaurus | dense forest lizard |
Pyroraptor | Fire Thief |
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List of Dinosaur Names: Q
You can check out list of some facts about this list of dinosaur names starting with Q on its own page.
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Qantassaurus | Qantas Lizard | Qianzhousaurus | Qianzhou lizard |
Qiaowanlong | Qiaowan dragon | Qijianglong | Qijiang Dragon |
Qingxiusaurus | Qingxiu lizard | Qinlingosaurus | Qinling Lizard |
Qiupalong | Qiupa Dragon | Qiupanykus | Qiupa claw |
Quaesitosaurus | extraordinary lizard | Quetecsaurus | fire lizard |
Quilmesaurus | Quilme Lizard |
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List of Dinosaur Names: R
You can check out list of some facts about this list of dinosaur names starting with R on its own page.
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Rahiolisaurus | menace bird | Rajasaurus | princely lizard |
Rapator | violator | Rapetosaurus | Rapeto lizard |
Raptorex | King Thief | Ratchasimasaurus | Ratchasima lizard |
Rativates | Raft seer | Rayososaurus | Rayoso Lizard |
Rebbachisaurus | Rebbach lizard | Regaliceratops | Royal horned face |
Regnosaurus | Sussex lizard | Rhabdodon | fluted tooth |
Rhinorex | Nose King | Rhoetosaurus | Rhoeto Lizard |
Rhomaleopakhus | strong forearm | Riabininohadros | Riabinin’s hadrosaur |
Richardoestesia | for richardo Estes | Rinchenia | for Rinchen |
Rinconsaurus | Rincon Lizard | Riojasaurus | Rioja lizard |
Riparovenator | riverbank hunter | Rocasaurus | General Roca lizard |
Ruehleia | For Ruhle | Rugocaudia | Wrinkle Tail |
Rugops | wrinkle face | Rukwatitan | Rukwa Giant |
Ruyangosaurus | Ruyang County lizard |
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List of Dinosaur Names: S
You can check out list of some facts about this list of dinosaur names starting with S on its own page.
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Sacisaurus | Saci Lizard | Sahaliyania | From black |
Saichania | beautiful one | Saltasaurus | Salta Lizard |
Saltopus | Hopping foot | Saltriovenator | Saltrio hunter |
Sanjuansaurus | San Juan lizard | Sanpasaurus | Sanpa lizard |
Santanaraptor | Santana Formation thief | Sanxiasaurus | Sanxia lizard |
Sarahsaurus | Sarah lizard | Sarcolestes | flesh robber |
Sarcosaurus | flesh lizard | Sarmientosaurus | Sarmiento Lizard |
Saturnalia | For Carnival | Saurolophus | Lizard crest |
Sauroniops | Sauron’s Eye | Sauropelta | Lizard shield |
Saurophaganax | Lord of lizard-eaters | Sauroplites | Saurian hoplite |
Sauroposeidon | Lizard Earthquake God | Saurornithoides | Lizard bird form |
Saurornitholestes | lizard-bird thief | Savannasaurus | Savanna Lizard |
Scansoriopteryx | climbing wing | Scelidosaurus | Limb lizard |
Schleitheimia | From Schleitheim | Scipionyx | Scipio’s claw |
Sciurumimus | Squirrel-mimic | Scolosaurus | pointed stake lizard |
Scutellosaurus | little-shielded lizard | Secernosaurus | severed lizard |
Sefapanosaurus | Cross Lizard | Segisaurus | Segi canyon lizard |
Segnosaurus | Slow Lizard | Seitaad | Seitaad Monster |
Sektensaurus | island lizard | Serendipaceratops | serendipitous horned face |
Serikornis | Ge Sun’s silk bird | Shamosaurus | sand desert Lizard |
Shanag | Shanag formations | Shantungosaurus | Shandong Lizard |
Shanxia | From Shanxi | Shanyangosaurus | Shanyang lizard |
Shaochilong | shark toothed dragon | Shenzhousaurus | Shenzhou lizard |
Shidaisaurus | Golden Age Lizard | Shingopana | wide neck |
Shishugounykus | Shishugou claw | Shixinggia | From Shixing |
Shri Devi | buddhist deity | Shuangbaisaurus | Shuangbai Lizard |
Shuangmiaosaurus | Shuangmiao Lizard | Shunosaurus | shu lizard |
Shuvuuia | Desert Bird | Siamodon | Thailand tooth |
Siamosaurus | Siam Lizard | Siamotyrannus | Siamese tyrant |
Siamraptor | Siam Thief | Siats | Man Eating monster |
Sibirotitan | Siberian titan | Sierraceratops | Sierra horned face |
Sigilmassasaurus | Sijilmassa lizard | Silesaurus | Silesia Lizard |
Siluosaurus | Silk Road Lizard | Silutitan | Silk Road giant |
Silvisaurus, | Woodland Lizard | Similicaudipteryx | “similar to Caudipteryx |
Sinankylosaurus | Chinese fused lizard | Sinocalliopteryx | Chinese beautiful feather |
Sinocephale | Chinese head | Sinoceratops | Chinese horned face |
Sinocoelurus | Chinese hollow tail | Sinornithoides | Chinese bird form |
Sinornithomimus | Chinese Bird Mimic | Sinornithosaurus | Chinese bird lizard |
Sinosauropteryx | Chinese Lizard Wing | Sinosaurus | Chinese lizard |
Sinotyrannus | Chinese tyrant | Sinovenator | Chinese hunter |
Sinraptor | Chinese Thief | Sinusonasus | Wave Nose |
Sirindhorna | For Sirindhorn | Skorpiovenator | scorpion hunter |
Smitanosaurus | smith lizard | Sonidosaurus | Sonid lizard |
Sonorasaurus | Sonora Lizard | Soriatitan | Soria Giant |
Soumyasaurus | Soumya Lizard | Spectrovenator | ghost hunter |
Sphaerotholus | Ball Dome | Spiclypeus | spike shield |
Spicomellus | collar of spikes | Spinophorosaurus | spine-bearing lizard |
Spinops | Spine Face | Spinosaurus | Spine Lizard |
Spinostropheus | Spine vertebra | Staurikosaurus | Southern Cross lizard |
Stegoceras | Horn Roof | Stegopelta | Roof Shield |
Stegosaurides | Stegosaurus-shaped | Stegosaurus | Roof Lizard |
Stegouros | roofed tail | Stellasaurus | star lizard |
Stenonychosaurus | narrow claw lizard | Stenopelix | narrow pelvis |
Stephanosaurus | crown lizard | Stokesosaurus | Stokes’ lizard |
Streptospondylus | reversed vertebra | Struthiomimus | ostrich mimic |
Struthiosaurus | Ostrich lizard | Stygimoloch | demon from river of Styx |
Styracosaurus | spiked lizard | Suchomimus | crocodile mimic |
Suchosaurus | crocodile lizard | Supersaurus | super lizard |
Suskityrannus | coyote tyrant | Suuwassea | First thunder heard in spring |
Suzhousaurus | Suzhou lizard | Syngonosaurus | Syngon Lizard |
Szechuanosaurus | Szechuan lizard |
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List of Dinosaur Names: T
You can check out list of some facts about this list of dinosaur names starting with T on its own page.
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Tachiraptor | Tachira Thief | Talarurus | basket tail |
Talenkauen | Small Skull | Talos | Talon |
Tamarro | Mythical Creature | Tambatitanis | Tamba giant |
Tangvayosaurus | Tang Vay lizard | Tanius | of Tan |
Tanycolagreus | long limb | Tanystrosuchus | long crocodile |
Taohelong | Tao River Dragon | Tapuiasaurus | Tapuia lizard |
Tarascosaurus | Tarasque lizard | Tarbosaurus | alarming lizard |
Tarchia | brainy one | Tastavinsaurus | Tastavins Lizard |
Tatankacephalus | Bison Head | Tatankaceratops | Bison horn face |
Tataouinea | For Tataouine | Tatisaurus | Tati Lizard |
Taurovenator | Bull Hunter | Taveirosaurus | Taveiro lizard |
Tawa Hallae | Sun God | Tazoudasaurus | Slender Lizard |
Technosaurus | Tech lizard | Tehuelchesaurus | Tehuelche Lizard |
Teinurosaurus | extended tail lizard | Telmatosaurus | marsh lizard |
Tendaguria | Tengri lizard | Tenontosaurus | sinew lizard |
Teratophoneus | monstrous murderer | Terminocavus | coming to the end of the cavity |
Tethyshadros | Tethyan hadrosauroid | Texacephale | Texas Head |
Texasetes | Texas resident | Thanatotheristes | reaper of death |
Thanos | Marvel villain | Thecocoelurus | Thecospondylus – Coelurus |
Thecodontosaurus | socket-tooth lizard | Thecospondylus | Sheath Vertebra |
Theiophytalia | garden of the gods | Therizinosaurus | scythe lizard |
Thescelosaurus | Wonderous Lizard | Thespesius | wondrous one |
Tianchisaurus | heavenly pool lizard | Tianyulong | Tianyu Dragon |
Tianyuraptor | running lizard | Tianzhenosaurus | Tianzhen lizard |
Tichosteus | walled bone | Tienshanosaurus | Tienshan lizard |
Timimus | Tim Mimic | Timurlengia | well eared |
Titanoceratops | titanic horned face | Titanosaurus | titanic lizard |
Tlatolophus | word crest | Tochisaurus | Ostrich lizard |
Tonganosaurus | Tongan Lizard | Tongtianlong | Tongtianyan dragon |
Tornieria | for Tornier | Torosaurus | Perforated lizard |
Torvosaurus | Savage Lizard | Tototlmimus | Bird Mimic |
Trachodon | rough tooth | Tralkasaurus | thunder lizard |
Tratayenia | From Tratayen | Traukutitan | Dawn Tail giant |
Triceratops | Three horned face | Trierarchuncus | captain hook |
Trigonosaurus | triangle lizard | Trimucrodon | Three Dagger Tooth |
Trinisaura | From Trinidad | Triunfosaurus | Triunfo Lizard |
Troodon | Wounding tooth | Tsaagan | White |
Tsagantegia | From White mountains | Tsintaosaurus | Qingdao lizard |
Tuebingosaurus | Tübingen lizard | Tugulusaurus | Tugulu lizard |
Tuojiangosaurus | Tuo River lizard | Turanoceratops | Turan horned face |
Turiasaurus | Turia lizard | Tylocephale | swollen head |
Tyrannosaurus | Tyrant Lizard king | Tyrannotitan | tyrant titan |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
List of Dinosaur Names: U
You can check out list of some facts about this list of dinosaur names starting with U on its own page.
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Uberabatitan | Uberaba titan | Udanoceratops | Udan’s horned face |
Ultrasaurus | ultra lizard | Ulughbegsaurus | Ulugh Beg’s lizard |
Unaysaurus | Black water lizard | Unenlagia | half-bird |
Unescoceratops | Unesco one horned face | Unquillosaurus | Unquillo river lizard |
Urbacodon | URBAC tooth | Utahceratops | Utah horned face |
Utahraptor | utah thief | Uteodon | Ute tooth |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
List of Dinosaur Names: V
You can check out list of some facts about this list of dinosaur names starting with V on its own page.
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Vagaceratops | wandering horned face | Vahiny | traveller |
Valdoraptor | Wealden thief | Vallibonavenatrix | Vallibona huntress |
Variraptor | Var thief | Vayuraptor | wind thief |
Vectaerovenator | Isle of Wight air-filled hunter | Vectiraptor | Isle of Wight thief |
Velafrons | sailed forehead | Velocipes | quick foot |
Velociraptor | swift thief | Velocisaurus | swift lizard |
Venenosaurus | poison lizard | Vespersaurus | western lizard |
Veterupristisaurus | old shark lizard | Viavenator | road hunter |
Volgatitan | Volga giant | Volkheimeria | for volkheim |
Vouivria | for adder | Vulcanodon | volcano tooth |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
List of Dinosaur Names: W
You can check out list of some facts about this list of dinosaur names starting with W on its own page.
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Wakinosaurus | Wakino lizard | Walgettosuchus | Walgett crocodile |
Wamweracaudia | Wamwera tail | Wannanosaurus | Wannan lizard |
Weewarrasaurus | Weewarra Lizard | Wendiceratops | Wendy horned face |
Wiehenvenator | Wiehen hunter | Willinakaqe | Southern duck-mimic |
Wintonotitan | Winton titan | Wuerhosaurus | Wuerho Lizard |
Wulagasaurus | Wulaga lizard | Wulatelong | Wulate Dragon |
Wulong | dancing dragon | Wyleyia | for wyley |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
List of Dinosaur Names: X
You can check out list of some facts about this list of dinosaur names starting with X on its own page.
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Xenoceratops | alien horned face | Xenoposeidon | alien Poseidon |
Xenotarsosaurus | Alien Foot Lizard | Xianshanosaurus | Xianshan Lizard |
Xiaosaurus | dawn lizard | Xiaotingia | for Xiaoting |
Xingtianosaurus | Xingtian Lizard | Xingxiulong | Xingxiu Bridge dragon |
Xinjiangovenator | Xinjiang hunter | Xinjiangtitan | Xinjiang giant |
Xiongguanlong | Grand Pass dragon | Xixianykus | Xixia Claw |
Xixiasaurus | Xixia lizard | Xixiposaurus | Xixipo lizard |
Xiyunykus | western claw | Xuanhanosaurus | Xuanhan lizard |
Xuanhuaceratops | Xuanhua horned face | Xunmenglong | swift fierce dragon |
Xuwulong | Xuwu Dragon |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
List of Dinosaur Names: Y
You can check out list of some facts about this list of dinosaur names starting with Y on its own page.
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Yamaceratops | Yama horned face | Yamanasaurus | Yamana lizard |
Yamatosaurus | Yamato reptile | Yandusaurus | Yandu Lizard |
Yangchuanosaurus | Yongchuan Lizard | Yaverlandia | for yaverland |
Yehuecauhceratops | ancient horned face | Yi | wing |
Yimenosaurus | Yiman Lizard | Yingshanosaurus | Golden Hills reptile |
Yinlong | hidden dragon | Yixianosaurus | Yixian lizard |
Yizhousaurus | Yizhou lizard | Yongjinglong | Yongjing Dragon |
Ypupiara | the one who lives in the water | Yuanmousaurus | Yuanmou lizard |
Yueosaurus | Yue Lizard | Yulong | Yu Dragon |
Yunganglong | Yungang Dragon | Yunmenglong | Yunmeng Dragon |
Yunnanosaurus | Yunnan Lizard | Yunyangosaurus | Yunyang lizard |
Yurgovuchia | coyote | Yutyrannus | feathered tyrant |
Yuxisaurus | Yuxi lizard |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
List of Dinosaur Names: Z
Finally these 24 dinosaurs are all those that ( currently) begin with z. Including the three letter Zby! We have more information on these dinosaur names starting with Z on their own page.
Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning | Dinosaur Name | Name Meaning |
Zalmoxes | Zalmoxis | Zanabazar | Zanabazar |
Zapalasaurus | Zapala Lizard | Zapsalis | thorough pair of scissors |
Zaraapelta | hedgehog small shield | Zby | for Zbyszewski |
Zephyrosaurus | westward wind lizard | Zhanghenglong | Zhang heng Dragon |
Zhejiangosaurus | Zhejiang lizard | Zhenyuanlong | Zhenyuan’s dragon |
Zhongjianosaurus | Zhongjian Lizard | Zhongornis | intermediate bird |
Zhongyuansaurus | Zhongyuan lizard | Zhuchengceratops | Zhucheng horned face |
Zhuchengtitan | Zhucheng Giant | Zhuchengtyrannus | Zhucheng tyrant |
Ziapelta | Sun Shield | Zigongosaurus | Zigong lizard |
Zizhongosaurus | Zizhong lizard | Zuniceratops | Zuni-horned face |
Zuolong | Zuo’s dragon | Zuoyunlong | Zuoyun Dragon |
Zupaysaurus | Devil Lizard | Zuul | from Ghostbusters |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
How Many Dinosaur Names are There?
1291 dinosaur names are in the lists above, which are considered accepted by science, however as we mentioned this comes with some points to notes. There are actually lots of dinosaurs that have been incorrectly named, found to be an already named dinosaur, or not officially classified yet.
In the full list of unofficial and official dinosaurs there are over 1700 dinosaur names,
These unofficial dinosaurs can be broken down into the following
How many Dinosaurs | Total number |
Nomen Nudum | 144 |
Momen Manuscript | 3 |
Junior Synonym | 193 |
This is a very comprehension list of dinosaurs names, but with so many new species being discovered each year it will grow more and more each year.
Hi, I am Roy Ford a General Studies and English Teacher who has taught all over the world. What started as a fossil collection became a great way to teach, motivate and inspire students of all ages and all over the world about dinosaurs and from that and children’s love of dinosaurs came the site dinosaur facts for kids, a resource for all ages.