Dinosaur Names Beginning With M
There are a lot of famous Dinosaur names beginning with M, although not instantly recognisable once you here they them they are familiar. Dinosaurs like the good mother dinosaur, Maiasaurus, or the amusingly named ( for me telling my students) mapusaurus. ( mah poo – saw – us!) we have all dinosaur names beginning with M but there are plenty more letters you can check out on this site.
We will take a look at all dinosaurs starting with M in this article of which there are 18 or so.
Also, as with all of our A to Z dinosaur pages we have the table below to help you check other dinosaurs, we aim to cover them all but of course there are new dinosaurs almost every week so bear with us!
You can find other dinosaur names and information by following the links in the table above.
Dinosaurs Names Beginning with M
we have information on each dinosaur here, just a few details as the pages get long! If we have an article on the dinosaur you can click the name to jump there and learn even more.
Dinosaurs Beginning with M
Machairasaurus was an oviraptor like dinosaur from China. It lived about 75 to 71 million year ago and was discovered in 1988-1990.
it walked on two legs like other oviraptors and almost 9 though not as large) it had hand claws like a Therizinosaurus. it would have used those ( not to kill giganotosaurus) but to pull down branches to eat.
Machairasaurus name Meaning: “Short Scimitar lizard”
Macrogryphosaurus was a bipeda bird hipped herbivore dinosaur that lived in Argentina about 93-89 million years ago.
it was described in 2007 and was discovered in 1999. it was alrge at 20 feet in length ( 6 metres) and may not have been fully grown!
Macrogryphosaurus Name Meaning: “big enigmatic Lizard”
Magnamanus is an iguanodontian dinosaur and a herbivore. It lived in what is now Spain about 130 million years ago and was large at 9 to 10 metres ( 30 to 33 feet) long. it also has a thumb spike like iguanodon. It was discovered between 2000 and 2004.
Magnamanus Name Meaning: “Large Hand”
Magnapaulia was a very large hadrosaur, one of the biggest. it was thought to be between 12 and 15 metres in length. ( 41 to 50 feet) it was originally named lambeosaurus bit was reassigned in 2012.
It may have weighed up to 8000 kg (17500 lbs) and there are size comparisons to humans on its wikipedia page here. These are worth a look to get an idea of scale!
Magnapaulia Name Meaning: “For Large Paul”
Magnirostris Has now been renamed as Bagaceratops and is thought as a juvenile of this dinosaur. You can check out more on the dinosaur names beginning with b page.
Magnirostris Name meaning: “Large beak”
Magnosaurus was a carnivorous theropod dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic Period about 169 million years ago. It was discovered in England in 1923.
Remains are rare and its size is estimated to be about 4 metres long and a weight of about 175 kg (380 lbs +) in 2012.
Magnosaurus Name Meaning: “Large Lizard”
Magyarosaurus was one of the smallest ever sauropod dinosaurs. It was estimated to be about 6 metres long ( 20 feet) and about 1000 kg (2200 lbs) . It was discovered in what is now Romania in 1915.
Magyarosaurus Name Meaning: “Magyar lizard”
Mahakala was a bird like halszkaraptoine dinosaur ( like a dromaeosaur) from Mongolia. it lived in the late cretaceous period about 75 million years ago and was only about 70 cm long. (2 feet)
Mahakala Name Meaning: “for Mahakala” – A Tibetan protector god
Maiasaura was a large hadrosaur (duck billed) dinosaur. It is named as fossils show it would feed its young and this was the first time parenting skills had been evidenced in dinosaurs! it is one of the more famous Dinosaur names beginning with M.
It was about 9 metres long (30 feet) and would have walked on its hind legs when young and all fours when older. They lived in herds of up to 10000 animals! They were discovered in 1979.
Maiasaura Name Meaning: “Good Mother Lizard”
Majungasaurus was a theropod dinosaur and a carnivore from Madagascar. it lived at the end of the late cretaceous about 70 to 66 million year ago. it was discovered in 1896 ( although thought to be megalosaurus at that point)
it was about 6-7 metres in length ( 20-23 feet long) it may have weighed 1500 kilograms (3,300 Lbs) There were a lot of carnivore Dinosaur names beginning with M
Majungasaurus Name Meaning: “Mahajanga Lizard”
Malawisaurus was a titanosaur sauropod from Malawi ( hence the name) it was described in 1928. It was small for a sauropod at 52 feet ( 16 metres) and 10000 kg ( 22000 lbs)
Malawisaurus Name Meaning: “Malawi Lizard”
Mamenchisaurus is a sauropod with very long necks, the longest of all land dinosaurs. It was discovered in 1952 in China. They lived, there are a few species, from 161 to 114 million years ago from the late Jurassic to the early Cretaceous period.
These species could range from 15 to 26 metres and possibly up to 35 metres ( 115 feet) and may have weighed up to 80,000 kg. ( 150,000 lbs) this would make it one of the largest ever dinosaurs and certainly one of the largest Dinosaur names beginning with M
Mamenchisaurus Name Meaning: “Horse gate brook Lizard”
Is now thought to be a T Rex and a synonym.
Mansourasaurus was a sauropod from Egypt. It lived during the late cretaceous period about 74 million years ago. it was discovered in 2016.
it was a sub adult fossil that was discovered and measured about 10 metres long ( 33 feet) and would have weighed about 5000 kg ( 11000 lbs)
Mansourasaurus Name Meaning: “Mansoura Lizard”
Manidens was a heterodontosaur dinosaur from the early Jurassic about 179 million years ago. it lived in South Africa.
it was about 3 feet long and pretty small.
Manidens Name Meaning: “Hand tooth”
Mantellisaurus was an iguanodontian dinosaur from what is now Belgium, it lived during the Early Cretaceous around 130 to 120 million year ago.
It was discovered in 1914, it weighed about 750 kg ( 1600 lbs)
Mantellisaurus Name Meaning: “Mantelli Lizard”
Mantellodon is now a synonym for the dinosaur above – Mantellisaurus.
Mapusaurus Was a large Theropod from the carcharodontosaurid family. it lived in South America around 97 to 93 million years ago. It was discovered in 1997, It is one of the well known Dinosaur names beginning with M
it was a large carnivore and on of the more famous of the dinosaur names beginning with m. It was related to giganotosaurus and of a similar, of a little smaller size. The estimates range from 11.5 to 12 .6 metres. ( 38 feet to 41 feet in length. and weigh about 3 to 5000 kgs. ( 6600 to 11000 Lbs)
It also has a funny name depending how you pronounces it.
Mapusaurus Name Meaning: “Earth Lizard”
Marisaurus is disputed as it is from very fragmented fossils. However it was a titanosaur from pakistan and described in 2006. It would have lived abot 72 to 66 million years ago.
Marisaurus Name Meaning: ” Mari Lizard”
Marshosaurus was a megolosaur type dinosaur and a carnivorous dinosaur from the Late Jurassic Period about 155-152 million year ago. It lived in what is now Utah in the USA
It was discovered in 1960 but named in 1976. it is estimated to be about 4.5 metres and 440 lbs in weight.
Marshosaurus Name Meaning: “Marsh’s Lizard”
Martharaptor was a member of the Therizinosaurus family from Utah in the USA. It was likely a herbivorous dinosaur.
It was discovered /named in 2012.
Martharaptor Name Meaning: “Martha’s Lizard”
Masiakasaurus was a theropod dinosaur and a carnivore. It had unusual teeth that pointed forward instead of down, this may mean it hunted fish as part of its diet as well. Its scientific name knopfleuri is for mark knopfler from Dire Straits as they were listening to a lot of their music at the time!
it lived about 70 million years ago in madagascar and was about 2 metres long (6-7 feet) and is one of the more unusual Dinosaur names beginning with M.
Masiakasaurus Name Meaning: “Vicious Lizard”
Massospondylus was discovered and described in 1854 in South Africa. it lived in the Early Jurassic about 200-183 million years ago. It was an early form of Sauropod.
it measured about 4-6 metres long ( 13 to 20 feet) and would have walked on two legs not four.
Massospondylus Name Meaning: “Longer Vertebrae”
Maxakalisaurus is a Brazilian titanosaur from the late cretaceous period about 80 million years ago. it was discovered in 1998 and is named after a tribe.
it was about 13 metres ( 43 feet) long and could possibly weight 9000 kg ( 20,000 lbs)
Maxakalisaurus Name Meaning: “Mazakali Lizard”
Medusaceratops was a ceratopsian dinosaur from Montana in the USA. it lived about 77 million year ago and was discovered in 1993.
it was about 6 metres ( 20 feet ) long and had a very ornate and decorated Frill.
Medusaceratops Name Meaning: “Medusa Horned face”
Megalosaurus was the first dinosaur to be formally named in in 1824. it lived about 166 million years ago and would have been about 30 feet in length and a carnivore.
As it was the first dinosaur every named / discovered it has had a lot of varied descriptions including four legged, aquatic and more. Being the first dinosaur named maked it one of the most famous Dinosaur names beginning with M
Megalosaurus Name Meaning: “great Lizard”
Megapnosaurus is very factually named! It was a big dead lizard!mIt was a carnivore from the early Jurassic about 199 to 188 million years ago.
it was discovered in 1963 in Zimbabwe in Africa. It was about 7.2 feet long ( over 2 metres) and weighed about 29 lbs.
Megapnosaurus Name Meaning: “Big Dead Lizard”
Megaraptor was a large theropod dinosaur from argentina. it was more like and advanced allosaur than dromaeosaur ( raptor) it lived in the early Cretaceous about 140-125 million years ago.
It was first thought as a raptor as it had a sickle shaped claw, however this was later discovered to be from the hand, not the feet ( more scary we think!!)
it was thought to grow to about 8 metres long and weigh 2200 lbs ( 1000 kgs)
Megaraptor Name Meaning: “Giant thief”
Mei Long
Mei was a troodon dinosaur form 125 million years ago. it was very small and the fossils showed it to be sleeping when it died ( hence the name) mei is one of the shortest Dinosaur names beginning with M, and in fact is the second shortest dinosaur name ever.
It was discovered in 2004 in China and was about the size of a small duck. (40 cm)
Mei Name meaning. “Sleepy dragon”
Melanorosaurus is another early sauropod, this time from South Africa. It lived in the late Triassic and although small for a sauropod it was large for a sauropodomorph ( early species)
it was thought to be about 8 metres ( 26 Feet) long and weigh up to 2900 lbs( 1300 kg
Melanorosaurus Name Meaning: “Black Mountain lizard”
Mendozasaurus was a titanosaurian Sauropod from Argentina. ( no surprise there!) it lived in the Late cretaceous period about 89 to 86 million years ago. It was first described in 2003.
It was about 72 feet long ( 22 metres) and about 38,000 lbs in weight. ( 16000 kg)
Mendozasaurus Name Meaning: “Mendoza’s Lizard”
Meraxas Gigas
Meraxas Gigas was described and released as we were writing this article! It was a carcharodontosaurid dinosaur similar in size to both Tyrannosaurus Rex and giganotosaurus.
It was discovered in 2012 but named and described in 2022. It was a very complete skeleton it is though to be about 11 metres long ( 36 feet) and have weighed about 4000 Kgs, or 8800 lbs.
it lived in what is now Argentina about 95 million years ago during the late cretaceous and about 20 million years before tyrannosaurus rex did. it is one of the the newest Dinosaur names beginning with M.
Meraxas Gigas Name Meaning: “”
Mercuriceratops was a horned face dinosaur ( ceratopsian) that resembled the Chasmosaurus. Parts of its frill were discovered in 2007 in Montana, USA. It would have lived about 77 million years ago.
It was thought to be about the same size as Chasmosaurus at 4-5 metres long and about 1500 to 2200 kgs. ( 3300 to 4800 lbs)
Mercuriceratops Name Meaning: “Mercury Horned face”
Meroktenos was a very early sauropod that lived in Africa 216 to 201 million years ago. It was discovered in 1959 and described in 1962. It was thought to be about 4 meters in length.
Meroktenos Name Meaning “thigh Beast”
Metriacanthosaurus is a carnivorous theropod from England. it lived about 170 million years ago during the Mid Jurassic Period. As we mentioned above there are lots of Dinosaur names beginning with M
it was a large dinosaur described in 1923. it was thought to be up to about 26 feet in length and 2200 lbs in weight.
Metriacanthosaurus Name Meaning: “Moderately spined lizard”
Microceratus was a small member of the ceratopsian dinosaur family from Asia. It was bipedal and had a frill and beak. it also appeared in Jurassic World dominion. After this appearance is becoming one of the more famous Dinosaur names beginning with M.
We also have it as our weakest dinosaur which you can read about below.
Microceratus Name Meaning: “Small horned face”
Micropachycephalosaurus is more famous for its name than anything else. Its name is currently the longest of all the dinosaur names. We have an article on the site here and linked below.
I lived in china about 69 million years ago and although its name is long, it was a small dinosaur. its name may be thick headed but it was actually assigned to the ceratopsian family (horned face) of dinosaurs
it was about one metre long and its name is the longest of the Dinosaur names beginning with M and as we mentioned above the longest ever dinosaur name.
Micropachycephalosaurus Name Meaning: “Small Thick Headed Lizard”
Microraptor was a small Dromaeosaur dinosaur from China. it lived about 120 million year ago in the Early Cretaceous. it was capable of flight, though likely to be more gliding in nature that powered. It is one of the more famous dinosaur names beginning with M.
It was about 2.5 feet long ( 70 cm) and would have weighed about a kilogram.
Microraptor Name Meaning: “Small thief”
Microvenator was an oviraptor from Montana in the USA. It live about 110 million year ago and although was a bout 4.5 feet long the fossils were from a young dinosaur. It was discovered in 1933.
Microvenator Name Meaning: “Small Hunter”
Mierasaurus was a North American sauropod discovered in Utah in 2010 and described in 2017.. it lived during the Early Cretaceous period about 136 to 132 million years ago.
Mierasaurus Name Meaning: “Mieras lizard”
Minmi was an ankylosaur dinosaur that lived in what is now Australia about 133 to 120 million years ago. it was discovered in 1980. A more complete fossil was discovered in 1989.
It was small for an ankylosaur at about 3 metres long ( 10 feet) and would have weighed up to 300 Kg (660 Lbs) it is also in the jurassic world Evolution game.
Minmi Name Meaning: “Minmi ” (named after the Minmi crossing)
Minotaurasaurus was a member of the ankylosaur family that lived in the late cretaceous period in Mongolia. When you look at the skull you can see how it got its name!
It was about 4 metres in length ( 14 feet)
Minotaurasaurus Name Meaning: “Minotaur Lizard”
Miragaia is a stegosaur discovered in Portugal. it had a longer neck than most other stegosaurus family members. it lived about 150 million years ago.
it was discovered in 1999 and was about 5-6 metres long ( 18-20 feet
Miragaia Name Meaning: “For Miragaia”
Mirischia was a theropod carnivore from the compsognathus family that lived in Brazil about 108 million years ago.
it was about 2 metres ling and about 7 kg ( 16 lbs)
Mirischia Name Meaning: “wonderful pelvis / hips”
Moabosaurus was a sauropod from utah in the USA. It was about 9 to 10 metres long ( 30-33 feet) and lived during the Early Cretaceous period about 100 million years ago.
Moabosaurus Name Meaning: “Moab Lizard”
Mochlodon was a herbivore iguanodon type dinosaur that lived in Austria and hungary about 85 to 80 million years ago. It was discovered in 1859 in a coal mine.
Mochlodon Name Meaning: “Bar Tooth”
Mojoceratops had a frill like a heart shape and is named, loosely, because of this. it is now though to be a Chasmosaurus as they fossils are very similar.
Mojoceratops Name Meaning: “Mojo Horned Face”
Monkonosaurus is possibly a stegosaurus family member from tibet. It would have lived about 163 to 152 million years ago. It would have been about 5 metres long ( 16 feet) bit its fossils are very fragmented so the name is currently under doubt.
Monkonosaurus Name Meaning: “Monkon Lizard”
Monoclonius Was possibly a ceratopsian dinosaur ( horned face) It is thought to be a juvenile Centrosaurus. Fossils that are not are very fragmented
Monoclonius Name Meaning: “Single Sprout”
Monolophosaurus was a theropod dinosaur that lived during the middle Jurassic period about 166 -160 million years ago. it lived it was is now China.
It was discovered in 1981 and unearthed 3 years later. Size estimates range from 5.5 to 7.5 metres (18 to 25 feet) and weight estimates range from 475 kg (1000 lbs) and 710 kg (1565 lbs)
Monolophosaurus Name Meaning: “Single Crest Lizard”
Mononykus was a alvarezsaurid dinosaur that lived in Asia. It was a small and estimated to be about 1 metre long (3.3 to 3.9 feet) it was a feathered dinosaur. its diet was likely mainly insects. It may have been described in 1990s, but discovered decades earlier.
Mononykus Name Meaning: “One Claw”
Montanoceratops was a horned face dinosaur that lived in the USA 70 million years ago. It was about 3 metres long ( 10 ft) It was discovered in 1916.
Montanoceratops Name Meaning: “Montana horned face”
Morelladon was discovered in Spain in 2015. It was estimated to be a herbivore dinosaur of about 6 metres (19 feet0 and about 2000 kg (4400 lbs)
Morelladon Name Meaning: “Morella tooth”
Morrosaurus was discovered in Antarctica in 2002. it was a bipedal ( two legged) bird like dinosaur that lived about 70 to 66 million years ago. it was discovered at the El Morro site on James ross island which is where its name comes from.
Morrosaurus Name meaning: “Morro Lizard”
Mosaiceratops as is indicated by the name was a member of the ceratopsian family. ( horned face dinosaurs) it lived in the Late cretaceous around 94 to 72 million years ago.
Discovered in china in 2015 it was about 1 metre ling.
Mosaiceratops Name Meaning: “Mosaic horned face”
Mussaurus was an early Sauropod type dinosaur that lived around 192 million years ago. young fossils were discovered in the1970s in Argentina but it wasn’t until 2013 when adult fossils were discovered.
The adults are estimated to be about 6 metres in length and up to 1000 kg ( 2200Lbs)
Mussaurus Name Meaning: “Mouse Lizard”
Muttaburrasaurus was a a type of iguanodon and when discovered it was Australia’s most complete fossil. it lived during the early Cretaceous period about 107-103 million years ago.
it was a large dinosaur at about 8 metres (26 feet) long and 2800 kg ( 6200 lbs) It was discovered in 1963.
Muttaburrasaurus Name Meaning: “Muttaburra Lizard”
Muyelensaurus was a Sauropod from the titanosaur family that lived, like so many, in Argentina around 88 to 86 million year ago.
It was first described in 2007 by Jorge Calvo.
Muyelensaurus Name Meaning: “Muyelen Lizard”
the Final of the Dinosaur names beginning with M, Mymoorapelta, was a ankylosaur family member that lived in the Late Jurassic period about 155 to 150 million years ago.
It was first described in 1994 but discovered in 1990. it was small for a nodosaurid at about 3 metres long ( 10 feet) and about 560 kg (1200 lbs) .
Mymoorapelta Name meaning: “Moore’s Shield”
there you have all the dinosaur names beginning with M so far. As we mentioned there are about 60 or so dinosaur names beginning with M and more are added each year. We will try to keep up~
Sources for dinosaur names beginning with M
Hi, I am Roy Ford a General Studies and English Teacher who has taught all over the world. What started as a fossil collection became a great way to teach, motivate and inspire students of all ages and all over the world about dinosaurs and from that and children’s love of dinosaurs came the site dinosaur facts for kids, a resource for all ages.