Dinosaur Names Beginning With T
Not only does this dinosaur names beginning with T page have some of the most famous dinosaurs in the world ( i am sure you know at least 2 dinosaur names beginning with t!) It also has plenty of them! It is one of the letters with the most dinosaur names along with S and A!
So you can expect to see both Tyrannosaurus and Triceratops as dinosaur names beginning with T in this ( long) list of dinosaurs as well as some cool named dinosaurs as well like Terminonatator ( which wasn’t actually a dinosaur but we couldn’t leave it out!
We will take a look at all dinosaurs starting with T in this article of which there are over 70 of them
Also, as with all of our A to Z dinosaur pages we have the table below to help you check other dinosaurs, we aim to cover them all but of course there are new dinosaurs almost every week so bear with us! you can check out the full Dinosaur A to Z page here which has the more famous examples of dinosaur names as well.
You can find other dinosaur names and information by following the links in the table above.
Dinosaurs Names Beginning with T
we have information on each dinosaur here, just a few details as the pages get long! If we have an article on the dinosaur you can click the name to jump there and learn even more.

Tachiraptor is the first dinosaur names beginning with T and was a carnivore dinosaur from Venezuela. It lived during the early Jurassic Period about 200 million years ago
Although discovered in the 1980s it was described until 2013. It was a small carnivore at about 5 feet in length ( 1.5 metres)
Tachiraptor Name Meaning: “Tachi Thief”
Talarurus lived 96 to 89 million years ago during the late cretaceous period in AISA. It was a ankylosaurus family member ( armoured dinosaur)
It was about 5 metres / 16 feet long and would have weighed up to 2000 lbs ( 900 kg) it was discovered in 1948.
Talarurus Name Meaning: “basket tail”

Talenkauen was an iguanodon type dinosaur from Argentina. it lived 93 to 70 million years ago. It was discovered in 2000 and would have been about 4 metres (13 feet) long
Talenkauen Name meaning: “small skull”
Talos was a troodon bird like dinosaur. from Utah in the United States. it lived about 76 million years ago. It was discovered in 2000.
it was small like other troodons, which were smarter than the average bear dinosaur. it was about 2 metres long (6.5 feet) and 38 kgs in weight ( 85 lbs)
Talos Name Meaning: “talos” (named after a greek statue and a play on the word talon)
Tambatitanis is a Japanese dinosaur, which are quite rare,. it was a sauropod or early sauropod that lived in the Early Cretaceous period about 112 to 109 million years ago.
It was small for a sauropod and likely measured about 14 metres (46 feet) long and its weight is estimated to be about 4000 kg (8800 lbs)
Tambatitanis Name Meaning: “Tamba Giant”
Tangvayosaurus is a sauropod discovered in Laos in 1999. it was a medium sized dinosaur at about 15 metres ( 49 feet) long. It lived in the Early Cretaceous 120 to 100 million years ago.
Tangvayosaurus Name Meaning: “Tang Vay Lizard”

Tanius is a hadrosaur from China that lived 72 million years ago. It was discovered in 1923 and named in 1929. it was a herbivore of about 7 metres ( 23 feet) and 2000 kgs ( 4400 Lbs)
Tanius Name Meaning: “Tan”
Tanycolagreus was discovered in 1995 in Wyoming, USA. it was a member of the tyrannosaur family, a very VERY early one. It lived in the Late Jurassic 153 to 150 million years ago. It was about 3.3 to 4 metres long ( 11 ft to 13 feet) and weigh about 120 kgs – 260 pounds)
Tanycolagreus Name Meaning: “Long Limb hunter”
Taohelong was a ankylosaur dinosaur from China. it lived 113 to 110 million years ago. it was named and described in 2013.
Taohelong Name meaning: “Tao River Dragon”
Tapuiasaurus was a titanosaur sauropod from brazil. It was named in 2011. fossils include a rare nearly complete skull.
Tapuiasaurus Name Meaning: “Tapuia Lizard”
Tarascosaurus was a theropod dinosaur from France. it was discovered and described in 1988. It was about 3 metres long (9 feet) and up to 90 kgs. (200 Lbs) it was alive during late cretaceous about 80 to 70 million years ago.
Tarascosaurus Name Meaning: “Tarasque Lizard”

Tarbosaurus was a tyrannosaurus type dinosaur from Asia that lived 70 to 66 million years ago. it was discovered in 1946. It is one of the most famous dinosaur names beginning with T
Tarbosaurus was a large carnivore only slightly smaller than tyrannosaurus rex at about 38 feet long and up to 5000 kgs ( 11000 lbs)
Tarbosaurus Name Meaning: “Alarming Lizard”
Tarchia was an ankylosaur from Mongolia. it lived 75 to 70 million years ago and was discovered in 1977.
it would have grown to about 8 metres ( 26 feet) which make it the longest and largest ankylosaur from Asia.
Tarchia Name Meaning: “brainy one”
Tastavinsaurus is named after the Rio Tastavins in Spain where it was named and discovered in 2008. It was a sauropod dinosaur that lived in the Early Cretaceous period about 125 million years ago.
Tastavinsaurus name Meaning: “tastavin Lizard”
Tatankacephalus was a large ankylosaur family member from the early Cretaceous period of Montana USA. It could grow to 7 metres long ( 23 feet)
It was first discovered in 1996 and named in 2007.
Tatankacephalus Name Meaning: “Bison Head”
Tatankaceratops is only know from a part of a single skull. it lived about 66 million years ago in the USA. It is thought to be a juvenile specimen of triceratops currently and it is likely to become either a synonym or a nomen Dubium.
Tatankaceratops Name Meaning “Bison horn Face”
Tataouinea was discovered in Tunisia and lived around 113 to 11o million years ago. It was a rebbachisaurinae Dinosaur – a sauropod.
it is thought to have been similar to other medium sized sauropods at about 14 metres (46 feet) in length.
Tataouinea Name Meaning: “Tataouine Area”
Tawa was an early theropod dinosaur from New Mexico. it lived in the Late triassic 215 million years ago. It was discovered in 2004.
It was about 2.5 metres long ( 8ft) and weighed up to 15 kg (33 lbs)
Tawa Name Meaning: “Puebloan Sun god”

Tazoudasaurus was a sauropod from the early Jurassic period about 181 million years ago. It was discovered in North Africa, specifically Morocco in the early 2000’s
it was small for a sauropod at 11 metres (36 feet)
Tazoudasaurus Name Meaning: “Slender Lizard”
Technosaurus lived during the late triassic 210 million years ago. it was named and described in 1984.
Technosaurus Name Meaning: “Tech Lizard”
Tehuelchesaurus was a sauropod from Argentia it lived in the late jurassic period about 160 to 150 million years ago.
it was a medium sized dinosaur at about 15 metres long ( 49 feet) and was discovered in 1999.
Tehuelchesaurus Name Meaning: “Tehuelche Lizard”
Teihivenator was a tyrannosaurus family member from New jersey. it is now considered a Nomen Dubium as the remains can’t be assigned properly.
Teihivenator Name Meaning: “Strong hunter”
Teinurosaurus was a carnivore from France. it was large at 11.5 metres long (37.4 feet) and about 3600 kg (7800 lbs)
it was discovered in 1897 and would have lived in the late jurassic period about 160 million years ago.
Teinurosaurus Name Meaning: “Extended tail lizard”
Telmatosaurus was a hadrosaur dinosaur. It lived during the early cretaceous period about 70 to 66 million years ago. It was discovered in 1895.
It was about five metres long (16 feet) and would have weighed 500 kg ( 1100 lbs)
Telmatosaurus Name Meaning: “March Lizard”
Tendaguria was discovered in 1911 and was a sauropod from Tanzania, Africa. it was medium to large sized at 20 metres ( 66 feet long) It lived during the late jurassic period 155 million years ago.
Tendaguria Name Meaning: “The Tendaguru One”

Tengrisaurus was a sauropod discovered in Russia and described in 2017. it was alive during the early cretaceous period about 127 to 119 million years ago.
Tengrisaurus Name Meaning: “Tengri Lizard”
Tenontosaurus was a herbivorous iguanodon family dinosaur. It lived in the early Cretaceous period about 115 to 108 million years ago. It was described in 1970. it was 6 to 7 metres in length ( 20 to 23 feet0 and up to 2000 lbs (1000 kgs)
Tenontosaurus Name Meaning: “Sinew Lizard”
Teratophoneus was a tyrannosaur type dinosaur. it lived in Utah, USA. it was alive about 77 to 76 million years ago. It was about 6 metres long ( 20ft) and 1500 lbs in weight although it has been estimated up to 8 metres ( 24 feet)
Teratophoneus Name Meaning: “Monstrous Murderer”
Terminonatator was actually a plesiosaur not a dinosaur from Canada. it was a member of the Elasmosaurus family and lived right at the end of the cretaceous period 66 million years ago. It had a cool name so we thought we would be cheeky and put it in here. It is thought to have grown to over 30 feet in length.
It is definitely one of the cooler dinosaur names beginning with T
Terminonatator Name Meaning: “”Last swimmer”

Tethyshadros wasm as the name suggest, a Hadrosaur from italy. It lived in the Late Cretaceous period about 80 million years ago and was discovered in the 1980’s.
Tethyshadros Name Meaning: “tethyan Hadrosaur”
Texacephale, as can be seen from the name, was discovered in Texas and was a member fo the pachycephalosaurus family. it was first described in 2010.
Texacephale Name Meaning: “Texas Head”
Texasetes is an ankylosaurus family member discovered in Texas, USA. It was named in 1995 and lived in the Early Cretaceous period about 100 million years ago.
The fossils discovered are very sparse and no size estimates are possible.
Texasetes Name Meaning: “Texas resident”
Teyuwasu has now been reclassified as Staurikosaurus and was one of the earliest dinosaurs. it lived in the Triassic Period about 233 million years ago.
It was small at about 7 feet long and was a carnivore.
Teyuwasu Name Meaning: – now known as Staurikosaurus
Thecocoelurus is only known from a half of one backbone which makes it a Nomen Dubio ( Dubious Name)It was a theropod but has been suggested to be an Oviraptor, an Therizinosaurus and a noasaur. The bottom line is, nobody knows yet.
Thecocoelurus Name Meaning: “short for thecospondylus and coelurus”
Thecodontosaurus was a very small and very early SAuropod ( sauropod omorph) that lived during the late Triassic period about 203 to 201 million years ago.
It was a herbivore about 2 metres long ( 6.5 feet) It was discovered in 1834 making it one of the first dinosaurs to be discovered.
Thecodontosaurus Name Meaning: “Socket tooth Lizard”
Theiophytalia was an iguanodon from the USA that lived 112 million years ago during the Early Cretaceous. It was discovered in 1878 it was initially thought to be a camptosaurus but was reassigned in 2006.
Theiophytalia Name Meaning: “Divine garden”
Therizinosaurus although being known to science for about 70 years and discovered in 1948 has become more famous due to its role in Jurassic World Dominion where it makes short work of a giganotosaurus. It had huge 3 feet long claws on each forelimb that despite its scary appearance were used to strip leaves from branches as it was a herbivore.
It could grow to about 33 feet long and 16 feet tall and weigh over 5000 kg ( 11000 lbs) It lived about 70 million years ago in what is now mongolia. It is certainly now one of the more famous dinosaur names beginning with T.
Therizinosaurus Name Meaning: “Scythe Lizard”

Thescelosaurus was a bird hipped dinosaur from North America. it lived at the end of the late cretaceous period about 68 to 66 million years ago. It was discovered in 1891.
it could grow to about 8 to 13 feet in length and was thought to be a herbivore dinosaur.
Thescelosaurus Name Meaning: “Wondrous Lizard”
Thotobolosaurus was a sauropod from lesotho. it is now known as Kholumolumo as thotobolosaurus is now invalid. it was discovered in 1930. It was alive during the Triassic Period about 210 million years ago. Although small for an sauropod, it was large for an early sauropod at 30 feet (9 metres) long
Thotobolosaurus Name meaning: “invalid now”
Tianchisaurus was an ankylosaur dinosaur from the Mid jurassic around 166 to 161 million years ago. It had no bone club at the end of its tail. The type name actually refers to Jurassic park.
it was named in 1993.
Tianchisaurus Name Meaning: “Heavenly Pool Lizard”
Tianyulong was a bird hipped hadrosaurid dinosaur from the Late jurassic, approximately 58 million years ago. It was found in China in 2010.
Tianyulong Name Meaning: “Tian Yu Dragon”
Tianyuraptor was a dromaeosaur dinosaur (raptor) from China. It lived 122 million years ago during the Early Cretaceous. It was a similar size to velociraptor but had much shorter arms.
Tianyuraptor Name Meaning: “Tian yu Thief”

Tianzhenosaurus was a possible Ankylosaur dinosaur from China. It lived 99 to 71 million years ago. Although currently its own species it may actually be a young Saichania. It was discovered in 1998.
Tianzhenosaurus Name meaning: “Tian Zhen Lizard”
Timimus was a coelurosaur dinosaur from Australia. although it is now thought to be a tyrannosaur family member. It was discovered in 1991 and named in 1993.
it is thought that the the length of the animal was about 2.5 metres log. However in 2016 it was scaled up to possible 4.6 (14 feet) metres and 200 kg in weight. ( 440 Lbs. )
Timimus Name Meaning: “Tims Mimic”
Titanoceratops is one of the largest known horned dinosaurs. it was named in 2011 and was thought to be a close ( very) relative of triceratops. however It may also have been an unusually large and old pentaceratops as well.
it lived in the late cretaceous period 75 million yeas ago and was thought to be about 7 metres ( 23 feet) long and up to 13500 lbs in weight. ( 6500 kg)
Titanoceratops Name Meaning: “Titanic Horned face”
Titanoceratops was possibly a sauropod Lizard from the late cretaceous 70 million years ago. It was first described in 1877.
Titanoceratops Name Meaning: “titanic Lizard”
Tochisaurus was a troodontid dinosaur ( bird like Theropod) that lived in Mongolia. it was discovered in 1948 but not described until 1987 and named in 1991. It lived during the late cretaceous 69 million years ago.
Tochisaurus Name Meaning: “Ostrich lizard”
Tonganosaurus was a sauropod dinosaur from China. it was small for a sauropdo at 12 metres ( 39 feet) long and would have lived in the Mid jurassic around 184 million yeas ago. It was discovered in 2007
Tonganosaurus Name Meaning: “Tong’an Lizard”
Tongtianlong was an oviraptor from China that lived in the LAte Cretaceous 66 million years ago. it was about 1.5 to 2 metres long. It was named in 2016
Tongtianlong Name Meaning: “Tong tian Dragon”
Tornieria was a diplodocus type sauropod from the late jurassic 150 million years ago. It was discovered in tanzania Africa in 1907.
It was large and estimated to be up to 85 feet in length and 2300 kg ( 48000 Lbs plus)
Tornieria Name Meaning: “For Tornier”
Torosaurus was a ceratopsian dinosaur from the USA. It lived 68 to 66 million years ago and was a large member of the family.
It could measure up to 9 metres in length (30 feet) and weight possibly 12000 kgs ( 25000 lbs plus) It was discovered in 1891. Although it looked very much like triceratops it is thought to have a longer frill on its neck.
Torosaurus name Meaning: “Perforated lizard”

Torvosaurus was a megolosaur from Portugal, Germany, England, Tanzania and Colorado. It was named in 1979.
It was one of the largest predators of the Jurassic Period. It lived 165 to 148 million years ago i could grow to 33 feet in length ( 10 metres) and weigh up to 10,000 lbs ( 4-5000 kgs) .
Torvosaurus Name Meaning: “savage lizard”
Tratayenia was a Megaraptoran Theropod Dinosaur that lived in argentina in the late cretaceous period 86 to 83 million years ago. It was described and named in 2018.
It was large at 26 feet ( 8 metres)
Tratayenia Name Meaning: “For Tratayen”
If tyrannosaurus is the most famous predator dinosaur, then triceratops is surely the most famous herbivore and the two shared the plains of North America together. The first fossils of triceratops were discovered in 1887, they were the brow horns.
It could be 30 feet long and up to 12000 kgs ( 25000 lbs plus) in weight. So not only is it one of the most famous dinosaur names beginning with T, it is one of the most famous names ever!
Triceratops Name Meaning: “Three Horned Face”

Trinisaura was discovered in Antarctica in 2013. it was a bird hipped dinosaur of about 1.5 metres in length and would have lived 74 to 70 million years ago.
Trinisaura Name Meaning: ” Trinidad’s Lizard”
Troodon was discovered in 1855 in Montana, USA .it was a small bird like dinosaur that lived about 77 million years ago. there are many dinosaurs in its family and they are considered to be some of the smartest of all dinosaurs. You can read more about them in our smartest dinosaur article.
is is certainly one of the best known dinosaur names beginning with T
Troodon Name Meaning: “Wounding tooth”
Tsaagan was first thought to be a velociraptor but later given in own species. It was discovered in 1996 in Mongolia. it was however a dromaeosaur and was about 2 metres (6.6 feet) long and about 30 lbs plus ( 15 kg). it lived in the late cretaceous about 75 million years ago.
Tsaagan Name Meaning: “White monster”
Tsintaosaurus is a chinese hadrosaur (duck billed) dinosaur that lived in the late cretaceous period 83 to 70 million years ago. it was crested and the crest could be 40 cm long. it was discovered in 1950 and described in 1958.
It is estimated to grow to about 27 feet in length ( 8 metres) and weigh up to 2500 kg ( 5700 lbs)
Tsintaosaurus Name Meaning: “Qingdao Lizard”
Tuojiangosaurus was a medium sized chinese Stegosaurus family member that lived 160 million years ago in Sichuan. It was discovered in 1974.
It was about 7 metres (23 feet) in length and about 2800 kg ( 6000 Lbs)
Tuojiangosaurus Name Meaning: “Tuo River Lizard”
Turanoceratops was a rare ceratopsian dinosaur that was discovered in Asia in 1920’s btu described in 1988. it lived about 90 million years ago.
It was smaller than ceratopsians found in the USA at about 2 metres long ( 6.5 feet) and about 175 kgs ( 400 Lbs)
Turanoceratops Name Meaning: “Turan horned face”
Turiasaurus was a sauropod dinosaur that lived in Spain 155 to 146 million years ago during the Late Jurassic period. it may have been the largest ever European dinosaur.
Estimates vary though and it ranges from 21 to 30 metres long ( 69 to 98 feet) and a weight of 30000 to 50000 kg. ( 66000 to 110000 lbs)
Turiasaurus Name Meaning: “Turia Lizard”
Tylocephale was a pachycephalosaur from Mongolia. It lived during the late cretaceous period about 75 to 73 million years ago. It has the tallest ( not biggest) head dome of any of the pachycephalosaurus family. it was about 2 metres long.
Tylocephale Name Meaning: “Swollen Head”
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Tyrannosaurus Rex Not only the most famous of the dinosaur names beginning with T, but likely the most famous of all the dinosaurs. This huge predator walked on Earth about 68 to 66 million years ago and could be up to 40 feet long. it has been a mainstay of the Jurassic Park and World Movies appearing in every single one of them.

It was first discovered in 1874 by arthur Lakes In colorado USA. Plenty has been written about this iconic dinosaur and rather than repeat ourselves we have articles listed below if you want to know more.
Tyrannosaurus Rex Name Meaning: “King of the tyrant Lizards”
Tyrannotitan was a carcharodontosaurus family member and was very large. it was described / discovered in Argentina in 2005 and lived about 118 million years ago.
It has been estimated to be over 12 metres in length 9 39 feet) and weigh up to 5500 kg ( 13000 lbs)
Tyrannotitan Name Meaning: “Tyrant Titan”
there you have all the dinosaur names beginning with T so far. As we mentioned there are about 50 or so dinosaur names beginning with T, and more are added each year. We will try to keep up as more and more are added.
Hi, I am Roy Ford a General Studies and English Teacher who has taught all over the world. What started as a fossil collection became a great way to teach, motivate and inspire students of all ages and all over the world about dinosaurs and from that and children’s love of dinosaurs came the site dinosaur facts for kids, a resource for all ages.