Dinosaur Names Beginning With P
Dinosaur names beginning with P have some of the more popular and famous dinosaurs. There are carnivores and herbivores and even ones that may have been both like Pachycephalosaurus. However here the most famous of the dinosaur names beginning with p is probably the Pyroraptor due to its appearance in Jurassic World Dominion, although for a very short time, and most of that was spent underwater!
We will take a look at all dinosaurs starting with P in this article of which there are 18 or so.
Also, as with all of our A to Z dinosaur pages we have the table below to help you check other dinosaurs, we aim to cover them all but of course there are new dinosaurs almost every week so bear with us! in the mean time here are plenty, if not all, the dinosaur names beginning with P.
You can find other dinosaur names and information by following the links in the table above.
Dinosaurs Names Beginning with P
we have information on each dinosaur here, just a few details as the pages get long! If we have an article on the dinosaur you can click the name to jump there and learn even more.

Pachycephalosaurus was a bird hipped lizard that is thought to be a herbivore or possible omnivore that lived about 70 -66 million years ago in North America. Its eating habits are uncertain due to juvenile versions – Dracorex and Stygimoloch posses canine teeth and well as the expected herbivore teeth.
It was likely discovered in the 1850s but the fossils were first thought to be kneecaps of larger dinosaurs. it is famous for its up to 10 inch thick skull and could grow up to 4.5 metres long (15 feet) and be up to 990 lbs in weight. ( 450 kgs.) It is certainly one of the more famous dinosaur names beginning with p.
Pachycephalosaurus Name Meaning “thick headed lizard”
Pachyrhinosaurus was a ceratopsian dinosaur * horned face) from North America. It was first discovered in 1946 in Alberta Canada and 12 other fossils have been found since then.
it lived during the late cretaceous period about 73 to 68 million years ago and was estimated to be from 20 to 26 feet long (6 to 8 metres) and about 3-4000 kg (6500- 8500 lbs) in its largest species.
Pachyrhinosaurus Name Meaning: “Thick nosed Lizard”
Pakisaurus is a informally named dinosaur although named in 2006 it is thought to be very closely related to sulanimanisaurus and khentranisaurus.
It was made more famous (for a informally named dinosaur) because of a comedy sketch playing on words in the Jurassic World movie. you can see the clip below. the actually term was directed at the Pachycephalosaurus in the movie as the Pakisaurus was not present. And due to this video is a now a one of the more famous dinosaur names beginning with p.
Pakisaurus Name Meaning “Pakistan Lizard”

Palaeoscincus was possibly an member of the Ankylosaurs family. However its naming is under doubt as most fossils assigned to this have been reassigned to other species on dinosaur. it would have lived 79 to 75 million years ago.
Palaeoscincus Name Meaning: “Ancient Skink”
Paluxysaurus has been reassigned as Sauroposeidon which was a huge sauropod from the USA that lived 112 to 100 million years ago. Although discovered in 1994 it was not examined properly until 1998.
It would have been between 89 to 112 feet long ( 27 to 34 metres) and could reach up to 70 feet in the air. It would have weighed 40-60,000 kgs. about 88,000 to 130,000 lbs.
Paluxysaurus Name Meaning: “Paluxy Lizard”
Pampadromaeus was an early form of sauropod that was bipedal, walked on 2 legs. it lived in Brazil around 233 million years ago and had about 88 teeth.
Pampadromaeus Name Meaning: “Plain Runner Lizard”
Pamparaptor lived about 90 million years ago in Argentina. It was a very small dinosaur at about 1.6 to 2.3 feet long and was named in 2011.
Pamparaptor Name Meaning: “pampa Thief”
Panguraptor was a coelophysoid theropod that was discovered in China. It was about 2 metres long but was thought to be a juvenile dinosaur. it was named in 2014. it would have live about 201 to 196 million years ago.
Panguraptor Name Meaning: “Pangu Thief”
Panamericansaurus was a sauropod dinosaur that lived 79-69 million years ago. it was small for a sauropod at about 36 feet long ( 11 metres) it was named and described in 2010.
Panamericansaurus name Meaning: “Pan American Energy Lizard”
Panoplosaurus was discovered in 1917 and lived 76 million years ago in what is now Alberta Canada.
It was a member of the ankylosaur family and about 16 feet ( 5 metres) long and 1600 kg or 3500 Lbs.
Panoplosaurus Name Meaning: “Well Armoured Lizard”
Panphagia was first described in 2009 and lived 231 million years ago during the mid Triassic period. Making it one of the earliest known dinosaurs. it was small at about 4.5 feet long or 1.3 metres and was a member of the sauropod family.
Panphagia Name Meaning: “Eats Anything”
Pantydraco, despite its unusual name!, is actually named after the Welsh village of Pant-y-ffnnon where is was discovered. Though we are fairly sure those who named it would be aware of the confusion!
It was an early member of the sauropod family. it was relatively small at 50 kg ( estimated) when an adult and about 3 metres long – 9 to 10 feet.
Pantydraco Name Meaning: “Panty Dragon”
Paralititan was a huge titanosaur sauropod from Egypt. That lived about 99 to 93 million years ago. It was discovered in 2000 and estimates vary from 66 feet to 105 feet long, and 25000 to 70000 kg – 55,000 to 150,000 lbs.
Paralititan name meaning: “tidal giant”
Paranthodon was a stegosaur family member discovered in 1845 in SOuth Africa. it was small at 5 metres long and bout 200lbs maximum and lived in the early Cretaceous about 132 million years ago
Paranthodon Name Meaning: ” near anthodon”
Pararhabdodon was a hadrosaur dinosaur from Spain. It lived in the Late cretaceous period about 66 million years ago. It was first discovered in 1985.
it is thought to have grown to 6 metres long (20 feet) However it was a juvenile dinosaur and adult size estimates are closer to 30 feet long ( 9 metres)
Pararhabdodon Name Meaning: ” Near Fluted tooth”

Parasaurolophus was a crested hadrosaur dinosaur made famous by its appearances in the Jurassic World Dominion Movie. it lived in the late cretaceous period about 76 to 73 million years ago.
it was discovered in 1922 and was a large dinosaur growing up to 31 feet long and up to 2500 kg in weight ( 5500 lbs) Although its name is quite a mouthful it is one of the most popular dinosaur names beginning with p.
Parasaurolophus Name Meaning: “near Crested lizard”
Parksosaurus was a small bird hipped dinosaur from Canada. It lived about 69 million years ago. It was small, or estimated to be so, at 2.5 metres long and about 100 lbs in weight.
Parksosaurus Name Meaning: William parks Lizard”
Paronychodon only teeth have been found of this dinosaur which show it was a theropod and carnivorous but not much else. It may have been a troodon dinosaur as the tooth enamel is similar to other troodons like byronosaurus.
Paronychodon Name Meaning: “Beside Claw Tooth”
Parvicursor was a small maniraptoran ( bird like) dinosaur from 72 million years ago. It was really small at 39 cm or just over 1 feet long. it was described in 1996.
Parvicursor Name Meaning: “small runner”
Patagonykus was a late cretaceous theropod dinosaur from Argentina. It was about 1 metre long ( 3.3 feet) and up to 8 lbs (3.5 kg) Though it has also been estimated to be 9 feet long in later studies. it was discovered in 1996.
Patagonykus Name Meaning: “Patagonian Claw”
Patagosaurus was a type of sauropod dinosaur from the mid Jurassic period about 178-179 million years ago.
it was discovered in the 1970s and is estimated to be about 54 feet long ( 16.5 metres) and 7800 kg in weight. ( 16000 lbs plus)
Patagosaurus Name Meaning: “Patagonia lizard”
Patagotitan was a huge sauropod from Argentina. First named in 2014. it was really very large and the young Adult was not thought to be fully grown and was still estimated to be 121 feet long (37 metres) and 69000 kg in weight. (150,000 lbs.)
it lived in the mid Cretaceous period about 101 million years ago.
Patagotitan name Meaning: ” Patagonian Giant”
Pawpawsaurus was an ankylosaur family member that was discovered in Texas, USA in 1992. it lived in the mid Cretaceous period about 111-99 million years ago.
Pawpawsaurus Name Meaning: “paw paw lizard”
Pedopenna was a very early maniraptoran dinosaur (bird like) from China. It lived in the middle Jurassic period about 164 million years ago. it was a feathered dinosaur.
Pedopenna Name Meaning: “Foot Feather”
Pegomastax was a heterodontosaur dinosaur from South Africa it lived just between the late Jurassic and Early Jurassic period. It was discovered in 1967.
Pegomastax Name Meaning “Strong Jaw”
Pelecanimimus was an ostrich type dinosaur from the early Cretaceous of Spain. It lived about 130 million years ago. it was discovered in 1993,
it was about 2 to 2.5 metres long ( 6-8 feet long) an about 17 of 25 kg ( 37-55 lbs. ) It had about 220 small teeth.
Pelecanimimus Name Meaning: ” Pelican mimic”
Peloroplites was a nodosaurid dinosaur ( armored dinosaur) from the cedar mountain formation in Canada. it lived 98 to 93 million yeas ago.
it was discovered in 2001. it was about 16 to 18 feet long ( 5 to 6 metres) and an estimated weight of about 2000 kgs. (4400 lbs. )
Peloroplites .Name Meaning: “Monstrous Heavy One”

Pelorosaurus was a European sauropod dinosaur. it lived in the Early Cretaceous about 132 million years ago. It was discovered around 1841. it was actually the first described sauropod from Europe.
Pelorosaurus Name meaning: “Monstrous lizard”
Pentaceratops was a ceratopsian dinosaur (horned face) that was discovered in 1921. it lived in what is now New Mexico.
It was about 6 metres long ( 20 feet) and would have weighed 5000 kg ( 11000 lbs) It lived during the late cretaceous about 76 to 73 million years ago.
Pentaceratops Name Meaning: “Five horned face”
Petrobrasaurus is a sauropod from Argentina discovered in 2011. It is named after an ail company.
Petrobrasaurus Name Meaning: “Petrobras Lizard”
Philovenator was a troodon dinosaur from 75 to 71 million years ago. it was discovered in 1993 in Mongolia and a great addition to the dinosaur names beginning with p. It is only known from a real leg and from that the estimate for its length is about 2 feet long, its name means loves hunting!
Philovenator Name Meaning: “Love Hunter”
Phuwiangosaurus was a Sauropod, a titanosaur from Thailand. It was discovered in 1993 and named in 1994. It was pretty large and thought to measure between 62 and 85 feet long. and be up to 17000 kgs. ( 38000 lbs)
It lived during the early Cretaceous period around 140 to 130 million years ago.
Phuwiangosaurus Name Meaning: “Phu Wiang Lizard”
Piatnitzkysaurus was a a megolosaur family member of dinosaur, which means it was a carnivore. It lived in the Middle Jurassic about 179 to 177 million years ago in Argentina.
it could grow to about 22 feet long ( 6-7 metres) and weigh up to 1000 lbs ( 450 kg) although these are from a dinosaur that was not fully grown so it may have been even bigger as an adult.
Piatnitzkysaurus Name Meaning: “Pianitzkys Lizard”
Pilmatueia was a sauropod from the diplodocus family. It is named after the area it was discovered in 2019. it would have lived in what is now Argentina, during the early Cretaceous.
Pilmatueia Name Meaning: “For Pitmatue”
Pisanosaurus was a Dinosaur, although as its so early there are not sure what kind of dinosaur! It is commonly suggested to be a bird hipped ( ornithischian) dinosaur. It lived in the mid Triassic about 228 million years ago.
it was small about would have been about 1 metre ( 3 feet) long.
Pisanosaurus Name Meaning: “Pisanos Lizard”
Pitekunsaurus was a sauropod from Argentina ( like so many) and was discovered in 2004. It lived in the Late Cretaceous period.
Pitekunsaurus Name Meaning: ” To Discover Lizard”
Piveteausaurus Was a therapod dinosaur from Northern France. it lived in the Middle Jurassic period about 164 million years ago. It is now considered to be a member for the megolosaur family but the remains are fragmented and there are no real estimates on size.
Piveteausaurus Name Meaning: ” Jean Piveteaus Lizard”
Planicoxa was a iguanodon type dinosaur from North America. it lived around 129 to 125 million years ago. It was discovered in Utah in 2001.
Planicoxa Name Meaning: “Flat hip”
Plateosaurus Lived during the late Triassic period in Northern Europe. It was a very early dinosaur discovery being found in 1834. it was actually the fifth named dinosaur.
it was a herbivore that walked on wo legs and had very varied sizes from 5 metres to 10 metres long! This means the weight was also varied and estimates range from 1800 to 8800 lbs. (900 to 4000 kg)
Plateosaurus Name Meaning “broad lizard”
Pleurocoelus despite being the state dinosaur of Texas is now considered to be an Astrodon. Either way it was a Sauropod dinosaur that was about 20 metres ( 66 feet) long and about 44000 lbs ( 20000 kg) in weight.
Pleurocoelus Name Meaning: “side hollow”
Pneumatoraptor was a bird like paravian dinosaur that was found in Europe ( Hungary). It lived during the late cretaceous period about 85 million years ago and was a carnivore theropod.
It was small and measured about 2.3 feet long or 73 cm.
Pneumatoraptor Name Meaning: “Air thief”

Podokesaurus was a coelophysoid dinosaur from the United states. it lived during the early Jurassic period about 190 million years ago. it was discovered in 1910.
It was thought to be about 1 metre long ( 3.3 feet plus) and would have weighed about 10 to 40 kg – quite a range!!
Podokesaurus Name Meaning: “Swift foot lizard”
Poekilopleuron was a megolosaur family member and a carnivore. it lived in the mid Jurassic period about 166 million years ago. It was described in 1837 and discovered in Northern France.
Its is thought to be about 5 metres ( 16 feet long)
Poekilopleuron Name Meaning “Varied Ribs”
Polacanthus was a four legged bird hipped dinosaur similar to ankylosaurus. It lived in the early Cretaceous period about 130 to 125 million years ago in what is now England.
it is thought to have grown to 5 metres (16 feet) in length and was covered in armor. it would have weighed between 500 to 4000 lbs 9 quite a difference in estimates!)
Polacanthus Name Meaning: “Many prickles / thorns”
Powellvenator was a theropod and there for likely a carnivore dinosaur that lived 221 to 206 million years ago in Argentina. It was discovered / named in 2017.
Powellvenator Name Meaning: “Jamie Powells hunter”
Pradhania lived at the end of the Triassic/ beginning of the Jurassic period about 200 million year ago. It was first thought to be an early sauropod but later reclassified to a massospondylid which for all of us is pretty similar. It was though to be about 4 metres or 13 feet long.
Pradhania Name Meaning: “For Pradhan”
Prenocephale is only the second of the pachycephalosaur dinosaur names beginning with p. It was a late cretaceous dinosaur and lived in Mongolia around 71 to 68 million years ago.
It is thought to be 130 kg ( 300 lbs) in weight and about 8 feet in length.
Prenocephale Name Meaning: “Sloping Head”
Priodontognathus was a member of the ankylosaur dinosaur family that lived in England during the late Jurassic. It was discovered in 1862 to 1869.
Priodontognathus Name Meaning: “Saw tooth Jaw”
Probactrosaurus was a Hadrosaur / iguanodon type dinosaur from China. It lived around 96 to 88 million years ago. It was discovered in 1959 to 60 in Mongolia.
It was a medium sized hadrosaur at 5.5 metres long ( 18 feet) bit quite light at 2200 lbs. (1000 kg)
Probactrosaurus Name Meaning: “before bactosaurus”
Propanoplosaurus was an ankylosaur dinosaur from the USA. It lived in the Early Cretaceous about 115 million years ago. It was described and named in 2011.
Propanoplosaurus Name Meaning: “before panoplosaurus”

Prosaurolophus was a hadrosaur (duck billed ) dinosaur from around 75 million years ago. it lived in North America, It was discovered in 1915 and described 1916.
It is estimated to be about 28 feet long ( 8.5 metres)
Prosaurolophus Name Meaning: “Before Saurolophus”
Protarchaeopteryx was a small feathered dinosaur from China. It was likely to be a herbivore or possibly an omnivore. It was about 1 metre long and discovered in 1997.
Protarchaeopteryx Name Meaning: “before archaeopteryx”
Protoavis Is a much argued over dinosaur. it dates from the Late Triassic around 210 million years ago and was possibly an ancient bird. this would make the first birds date 70 million years earlier!
There is a lot of detail on the wiki page and we suggest a read as it really could be a great discovery!
Protoavis Name Meaning: “First Bird”
Protoceratops was discovered in 1923 and was alive in the late cretaceous period around 75 to 71 million years ago.
it was a small ceratopsian ( horned face dinosaur) thought to be around 2 metres long ( 6.6 ft long) and would have weighed around 3-400 lbs ( 164 -177 kg)
Protoceratops Name Meaning: “First horned face”
Protognathosaurus was a sauropod type dinosaur from China. It lived in the mid Jurassic period. It was described and named in 1988.
Protognathosaurus Name Meaning: ” Early Jaw Lizard”
Protohadros was a bird like iguanodon like dinosaur from Texas, USA. It lived in the late cretaceous and is thought to have grown to about 7 to 8 metres, although as it was a juvenile it may have been bigger when an adult.
Protohadros Name Meaning: “First Hadrosaur”
Psittacosaurus was a ceratopsian dinosaur from the early Cretaceous period in China, Russia and Thailand. Although it was a horned face dinosaur it didn’t really look like one. They walked on two legs and had a much smaller frill than later dinosaurs. they also have a plume of feathers along their rear back.
They were small at about 2 metres in length. ( 6.5 feet) and about 44 lbs in weight)
Psittacosaurus Name Meaning: “parrot lizard”
Puertasaurus was a very large sauropod dinosaur. Possibly large than Argentinosaurus although its size is not for certain as very few remains have been found.
It was thought to be over 98 feet long ( 30 metres) and weigh up to 50,000 kg ( 110000 lbs) Other estimates have been up to 40 metres ( 131 feet) and maybe even u to 100,000 kgs. 220,000 lbs.
Puertasaurus Name Meaning: ” Puerta Lizard”
Pulanesaura was an early Sauropod from South Africa. It lived 200 million years ago in the early Jurassic period. it was described and named in 2015.
Pulanesaura Name meaning: “Rain bringing Lizard”
Pycnonemosaurus was a carnivorous theropod from Brazil. It lived about 70 million years ago. it is only known from partial fossils. It was described in 2002.
it has been estimated at about 23 feet. ( 7 metres) and weighed about 1200 kgs. (2800 lbs) however it has also been estimated at 9 metres (30 feet)
Pycnonemosaurus Name Meaning: “Dense Forest Lizard”
Pyroraptor is now one of the more famous of the dinosaur names beginning with p after its appearance in Jurassic World Dominion. It is only known from a few fossils and gets in name after being discovered after a forest fire in France. It is thought to be quite small ( compared to the movie version) – we have a full article on Pyroraptor here.
it as estimated to be about 3 to 4 feet long (1 metre) and weigh up to 10bs (5kg) in weight.
Pyroraptor Name Meaning: “Fire Thief”
there you have all the dinosaur names beginning with P so far. As we mentioned there are about 50 or so dinosaur names beginning with P, and more are added each year. We will try to keep up~
Hi, I am Roy Ford a General Studies and English Teacher who has taught all over the world. What started as a fossil collection became a great way to teach, motivate and inspire students of all ages and all over the world about dinosaurs and from that and children’s love of dinosaurs came the site dinosaur facts for kids, a resource for all ages.