What You Call A Blind Dinosaur and Other Dinosaur Jokes.

Learning about dinosaurs is a serious business. Its takes time, effort and lots and lots of reading. Even those of us that love dinosaurs like you and me need a break now and then. What better way to take a break with some dinosaur jokes, to laugh and groan at! (mostly groan!) We have over 100 Dinosaur jokes on this page for you to laugh at, groan at and write down to go tell your family!

As we have over 100 dinosaur jokes below we have split them up into sections. So you will find T-Rex dinosaur jokes, jokes about triceratops and stegosaurus as well as the classic jokes that start with what do you get if you cross a dinosaur…, why did the dinosaur cross the road, why did the dinosaur, what do you call a blind dinosaur etc.

You can click the title in the list below to jump to the correct dinosaur jokes section!

So jump in and have some fun with these 100 plus dinosaur jokes !

dinosaur facts for kids

and if you are looking for jokes about the King of the Dinosaurs the t Rex then we have a page just for those!

Other Fun Dinosaur resources

Our favourite Dinosaur Joke

Its a little bit longer than most dinosaur jokes, but it’s quite a clever joke which is why we like it and have classed it as our favourite dinosaur joke.

66 Million years ago…

Three hungry Dinosaurs are walking together, a Spinosaurus, a T-Rex and an Allosaurus, when they find a magic lamp. After trying to eat it for while one decides to give it a rub. Out pops a dinosaur genie!

“Thank you for releasing me, i can grant you each one wish” The genie says happily.

The Allosaurus thinks for a moment and his tummy makes a rumbling sound. ” Right” he says. “i will have a huge piece of meat to eat just for me.”

The genie waves his tail and the biggest dinosaur leg drops down from the sky in front of the allosaurus, who starts to eat it.

The spinosaurus looks at this, and says “I want it to rain meat from the sky!” The genie smiles and huge pieces of meat rain down from the sky for the Spinosaurus to eat.

The T-Rex looks at the other two and is so hungry. He suddenly looks at the dino-genie and says, “I know!”, he smiles, ” I want a MEATIER shower!”  

We also have a dinosaur jokes infographic you can download or share here as well. just click on the picture to make it bigger.

Great Dinosaur jokes Infographic
Dino jokes

20 Tyrannosaurus Rex Jokes

It seems only right that the most famous of all dinosaurs has its on dinosaur jokes section. So below you will find 20 Jokes all about the T-Rex.

1. What was T. rex’s favorite number?

8 (ate)

3. Why did the Tyrannosaurus Rex cross the road?

Because the chickens hadn’t evolved yet.

5. What do you call a dinosaur who sleeps noisily?

A Tyranno-snorus!

7. What do you call someone who puts their hands in a T-Rex Mouth?

Armless (harmless)

9. What should you do if you see a Tyrannosaurus Rex?

Hope that it doesn’t see you.

11. What do you call a baby dinosaur?

A Wee-Rex!

14. What do you call a dinosaur old girlfriend or boyfriend?

Your Tyrannosaurus ex.

15. What do you call a T-Rex who handles losing badly?

A saur loser.

17. What did the T-Rex say at dinner time

Can you pass the salt……

19. What is the dinosaurs most favourite airline

Tyrannosaurus jets

2. What do you call a dinosaur car crash?

A tyrannosaurus wreck!

4. How do you ask offer a drink to a dinosaur?

“Tea, Rex?”

6. What do you call a person who cleans T-Rex Teeth?


8. What do you call a group of singing dinosaurs?

A tyranno-chorus.

10. What do you call a dinosaur wearing a cowboy hat?

Tyrannosaurus Tex!

12. What do you call an anxious dino?

A nervous rex

13. What does a Tyrannosaurus do when it takes you for dinner?

it pours salt on your head and gets out a fork

16. What did the T-Rex say at their lunch time?

Let’s grab a bite!

18. Why is a Tyrannosaurus not scary.

It’s almost (h)armless

20. What did Rex say to Woody after eating Mr Potato Head?

You got a friend in me.

What do you call a blind dinosaur dinosaur jokes

Why did the Dinosaur Cross the Road Jokes.

It is not possible to do a joke page without the classic “Why did the dinosaur cross the road jokes!

1. Why did the dinosaur cross the road?

To eat the chickens on the other side.

2. Why did the dinosaur cross the road?

Because the chickens hadn’t evolved yet.

3. Why didn’t the dinosaur cross the road?

Because there were no roads then!

4. Why Didn’t The T-Rex cross the Road

it couldn’t reach the stop traffic button

5. Why Did the Baby Dinosaur cross the road

To get to the “Jurassic Park”

Dinosaur jokes

What do you Get if you Cross a Dinosaur Jokes

Only five of these “what do you get if you cross a dinosaur jokes. Do you have any more we can put on here! Let us know in the comments

1. What do you get if you cross a dinosaur with a pig?

Jurassic Pork

2. What happens if you cross a T-Rex with a chicken?

you get tyrannosaurus pecks!

3. What do you get when you cross a dinosaur with a glove?

bittens (mittens)

4. What do you get if you cross a dinosaur with Fireworks

Dino – mite!

5. What do you get if you cross a dog and a Dinosaur

A dogasaurus Rex

Blind dinosaur dinosaur jokes

What do you Call A Dinosaur Jokes

The number one classic dinosaur joke as seen in Jurassic Park, ” What do you call a blind dinosaur?” We have some more here for you.

1. What do you call a dinosaur with one eye?

An Eye-saur

2. What do you call a Clever dinosaur?

A thesaurus!

3. What do you call twin dinosaurs?

Pair-o – dactyls!

4. What do you call a dinosaur ghost?

A scareydactyl.

5. What do you call a blind dinosaur?


6. What do you call a dead dinosaur with no eyes of legs?

A: still Doyouthinkysawrus

7. What do you call a sleeping dinosaur?

A dino-snore!

8. What do you call an armoured dinosaur in the rain?

A Stegosau-rust.

9. What do you call a dinosaur that’s as 4 stories tall, and has long, sharp teeth and 3 ft claws?


10. What do you call a polite Dinosaur?

A Pleasey -o – saur

T Rex

11. What do you call a dinosaur that’s hurt its leg?


12. What does a dinosaur call a porcupine?

A toothbrush!

14. What do you call a dinosaur fart?

An exstinktion event!

15. What do you call a dull dinosaur?

A dino-bore!

16. What do you call a fossil that is laying down?

Lazy bones.

17. What do you call a dinosaur that asks a lot of questions?

A philosi-raptor.

18. What do you call blind dinosaurs dog ?

A Do-you-think-he-saurus rex.

19. What do you call a dinosaur that just keeps trying?


20. What do you call a dinosaur with no ears?

Anything you like — it can’t hear you!

21. What do you call a dinosaur that doesn’t take a bath?


Dinosaur jokes for kids

Why did the Dinosaur Jokes

There more to “ why did the Dinosaur” that just cross the road! We take a look at some more here for you.

1. Why did the Archaeopteryx catch the worm?

Because it was an early bird!

2. What did the dinosaur put on its steak?


3. Why did the Brachiosaurus eat factories?

Because she was a plant-eater

4. What did dinosaurs use to drive their cars?

Fossil fuels.

5. Why did the dinosaur go to the doctor?

Because it had a dino sore!

dimetrodon facts for kids

6. Why did the Morus Intrepidus take a long hot bath?

Because it was a little dino sore.

7. What did the dinosaurs use to build their houses


8. What did the dinosaur say to the waiter?

Keep the climate change.

9. Why do museums exhibit old dinosaur bones?

Because they can’t afford new ones!

10. Why do museums only show old dinosaur bones

well, there aren’t any new dinosaur bones!

Pachycephalosaurus Facts For Kids

11. Why did carnivorous dinosaurs not cook?

Because they only ate RAWWRRR meat

12. What did the dinosaur call her clothes shop?

Try Sara’s Tops!

T-Rex jokes

What do you Get if Dinosaur Jokes

Six of the best “what do you get if you Dinosaur Jokes”. Do you have more? Let us know in the comments and we can put them up for you!

1. Where to dinosaurs go to fix clothes?

A dino-sewer.

2. What do you get if you cross a T- rex with explosives?


What do you get when a dinosaur scores a goal?

A dino-score

4. What do you get when a dinosaur sneezes?

Out of the way as fast as you can.

5. What do you get when a dinosaur sneezes


6. What do you get if you cross a dino and a dog?


Dinosaur jokes 100

How do you Know Dinosaur Jokes

How do you know a dinosaur is in your fridge. Find out the answer to this and other “how do you know dinosaur” jokes below.

1. Do you know how long dinosaurs lived?

The same as short ones.

2. How do you know if there is a dinosaur in your refrigerator?

The door won’t shut!

3. How do you know that an apatosaurus is under your bed?

Because your nose is only two inches from the ceiling!

General Dinosaur Jokes

Every dinosaur joke we couldn’t fit in the headings above we put here. There are loads for you to read and laugh through. Hope you enjoyed these dinosaur jokes !

1. Scientists have named the smartest dinosaur.

It’s now called a thesaurus.

2. What’s a dinosaur’s favorite quote?

“Jurassic times call for Jurassic measures!”

3.. What’s the best way to raise up a baby dinosaur?

With a helicopter

4. What kind of flooring do dinosaurs use in their bathroom?


apatosaurus facts

5. What dinosaur could jump higher than a tree?

All of them. Trees can’t jump.

6. What should you do if you find a blue dinosaur?

Try to cheer him up!

7. What is found in the middle of dinosaurs?


8. What kind of dinosaur eats french cheese?


9. What is a dinosaur’s least favorite of Santa’s reindeer?

Comet!…. (think about it!)

10. Why does the brontosaurus have a long neck?

really smelly feet.

11. What sport is a Dreadnoughtus the best at?


12. What dinosaur would Harry Potter be?

A Dino-sorcerer

13. Is the Stegosaurus a good volleyball player?

A: yes, they can really spike the ball!

14. What does a triceratops use to sit on?

Its tricera-bottom of course.

15. Where do dinosaurs get their groceries?

The dino-store!

16. Why can’t you hear a Pterodactyl go to the toilet?

Because the pee is always silent!

Ankylosaurus facts for kids

17. What’s every child’s favorite dinosaur?

A Toys-‘Rawr-Us.

18. Why do museums exhibit old dinosaur bones?

Because they can’t afford new ones!

19. Which is the most scariest dinosaur?

A Terror-dactyl.

20. What is the best way to talk to a velociraptor?

From a long distance

21. What kind of dinosaur work in a rodeo?

A Bronco-saurus!

T Rex

22. Why can’t dinosaurs play computer games?

Because they ate the mouse.

23. Why don’t you see dinosaurs at Easter?

Because they are eggs-tinct!

24. Why Did the dinosaurs die after smelling their eggs?

because their Eggs-Stinked

25. What was the name of the fastest dinosaur?

The PRONTO – saurus!

26. Can you name a Canadian dinosaur?

ummmm, the torontosaurus?

27. Why can’t dinosaurs a bedtime story?

Because their tails are so long

28. Which make of watch is the dinosaurs favorite?


29. What makes more noise than a dinosaur?

Three dinosaurs

30. What happened after the dinosaur took the bus home?

They made it bring it back.

31. Which dinosaur likes curry?

The Chile-saurus

32. What do you call a dinosaur who hates losing?


apatosaurus facts

33. Why was the dinosaur sad after it ate a pillow?

it felt down in the mouth

34. Which dinosaurs make good policemen?

Tri cera-cops!

35. What do you call a dinosaurs space ship?

A dino-saucer

36. How do you say goodbye to a diplodocus?

“So long!”

37. What comes after extinction?


38. What would we call it if just the tyrannosaurus went extinct?

The great Rex-tinction.

39. What did the dinosaur say to the volcano?

What a lava-ly day!

Pachycephalosaurus Facts For Kids

Other Fun Dinosaur resources

The End!

We have over 100 Dinosaur Jokes for you here, that is surely enough of a break from all the learning of dinsaour facts on the rest of the site!

If so don’t forget to check out our other information, a little more serious that “what do you call a blind dinosaur!” Type questions! You can check out all our posts, fact sheets, questions coloring pages and more by clicking the big button below! Hope you enjoyed these dinosaur Jokes!

Still need more jokes Check out the beano!

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