Diplodocus facts for kids
You can get worksheets, facts sheets, games and coloring and more from our dinosaur website https://dinosaurfactsforkids.com/25-diplodocus-facts-facts-for-kids/ Diplodocus was for a long time the biggest, longest and tallest dinosaurs people knew about, it has been out sized as years have gone by but diplodocus was often the first look at the super massive dinosaurs people ever got and it holds a special place in a lot of people’s hearts just for that reason. We have some diplodocus facts for you below to learn more about this most amazing of dinosaurs. For a long time there was a skeleton in the entrance to the Natural History museum in London of a diplodocus, it filled the entire hall, and even started in a movie (an old one called one of our dinosaurs is missing) When i first stood underneath its massive long neck i knew i wanted to know more.