parasaurolophus facts for kids
More Parasaurolophus facts and printable facts sheets and coloring here on our site Parasaurolophus, or as once described to me “the dinosaur with the thing on its head”, or Elvis if you have seen Jurassic Park- The lost world, has been know to science since 1920, and became popular after its movie appearances. Parasaurolophus is certainly is an unusual looking dinosaur and although is plenty more to know, we have some of the parasaurolophus facts we do know. Parasaurolophus was a herbivorous duck billed dinosaur that lived approximately 76.5 to 65.5 million years ago, during the Late Cretaceous period. it could be up to 30 ft long and weigh up to 5500 lbs. It had a distinctive crest of up to 3ft long. Likely used for display and sound amplification.